RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2007 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto The Keynote for RubyKaigi 2007
2007 Akio Tajima YAR(V)I: Yet Another Ruby(on VM) Implementations
2007 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん Use Ruby More At Work
2007 Masatoshi SEKI Rinda: Answering the RubyConf, RubyKaigi
2007 Yuichi Tateno "Moteru" Ruby! Using Ruby to Edit Graphics, This Way and That
2007 Fujimoto Hisa RubyCocoa - Mac OS X Software Development with Ruby
2007 Sutou Kouhei rcairo
2007 Ippei Obayashi Ruby/SDL and related topics
2007 Kouichirou ETO How I Made Media Artworks with Ruby, Without Losing a Single Yen
2007 Koichi Sasada A Report of Ruby 1.9 Implementation: Current Status and Future Goals
2007 Urabe, Shyouhei Stable Ruby and its future
2007 Minero AOKI The Ruby Reference Manual NG
2007 Charles Nutter JRuby: Ruby for the Java Platform
2007 Thomas E Enebo JRuby: Ruby for the Java Platform
2007 Takaaki TATEISHI Using Non-Ruby Libraries
2007 Makoto Kuwata An example of a Ruby script that is faster than a C extension module.
2007 Park Jiin Web Scraping with Ruby - Hpricot and Mechanize and scRubyt
2007 Tim Bray The World In 30 Minutes
2007 Naoto Takai Enterprise Ruby with JRuby on Rails
2007 John Mettraux OpenWFEru, a Ruby workflow engine
2007 Shun'ichi Shinohara AP4R : Asynchronous Messaging Library for Ruby
2007 Kiwamu Kato AP4R : Asynchronous Messaging Library for Ruby
2007 Hidetoshi NAGAI Inside Ruby/Tk
2007 Masao Mutoh Hello Ruby-GNOME2 World
2007 nyasu (NISHIKAWA Yasuhiro) Windows GUI Development with Project 'VisualuRuby'
2007 Yutaka HARA Ruby/SDL and related topics
2007 Dave Thomas Island Ruby, orHow To Survive Invasions, Immigrants, and Cultural Attacks