RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2009 Masayoshi Takahashi Keynote Address: Ruby, Nihon Ruby-no-Kai and me
2009 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote Address
2009 Akio Tajima Ruby - The Script Language
2009 Tanaka Akira socket library improvement
2009 Keiju Ishitsuka Distributed Parallel Computing Framework fairy and Distributed Object System DeepConnect
2009 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん Numeric in Ruby
2009 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん あらためて仕事で使うRuby
2009 Shugo Maeda Re-introduction to Ruby
2009 Masatoshi SEKI Great BigTable and my toys
2009 Sutou Kouhei Between C and Ruby
2009 Yugui Road map for Ruby 1.9.2
2009 Koichi Sasada Perspective on Performance Improvement of Ruby Virtual Machine
2009 Koichi Sasada Road to Rubyist Magazine
2009 Urabe, Shyouhei Fate of Ruby 1.8
2009 Thomas E Enebo JRuby Update 2009
2009 Makoto Kuwata All about Erubis
2009 Naoto Takai Learning Successful Architcture from "Enterprise Rails"
2009 John Mettraux Edo Cabinet
2009 Yutaka HARA N-ways to distribute your Ruby desktop apps
2009 Aaron Patterson Journey through a pointy forest: XML parsing in Ruby.
2009 Tatsuhiro Ujihisa Working Effectively with Ruby for Average Programmers
2009 Narihiro Nakamura My ECO Life by Ruby GC improve: No plastic bag thank you
2009 Scott Chacon Using Git and GitHub to Develop One Million Times Faster
2009 Yasuko Ohba Pragmatic Patterns of Ruby on Rails
2009 Akira Matsuda A Study In The Rails Ecosystem
2009 Jason Goecke Using Adhearsion to Voice Enable your Ruby Applications
2009 Kenta Murata The standard random number generator of Ruby and the proposal to improve it
2009 Ryutaro KURAI BDD and ZDD Libarayry for Ruby
2009 Yehuda Katz From Rails to Rack: Making Rails 3 a Better Ruby Citizen
2009 Kazunori Hashimoto Design and Implementation of Programing Language with Static Typing
2009 okkez Ruby Reference Manual Renewal Project 2009 Summer
2009 Michael Fellinger The innate beauty of Ramaze
2009 Tadahiko Uehara The innate beauty of Ramaze
2009 Jeremy Evans Sequel: SQL in Ruby
2009 Aaron Quint Sinatra: The Framework Within
2009 kumaryu Ruby in 1/60 seconds - Game Programming Ruby -
2009 Tomohisa Katsuma A prototype on integrated environment of static code analysis for Ruby
2009 Katsutoshi Kojima ビジネスユースでのRuby導入のポイントと解決策
2009 Tomoya Narita Ke-tai Site (Web Site for Japanese Cell Phone) Development with Ruby, Rails
2009 Kazuya Yoshimi 実戦投入Rails - RubyKaigiEdition
2009 Hirotomo Oi Railsサイト安定運用の心構え ~8つのサービスから学ぶ
2009 Akihiro Matsumura Let’s start open source development! -It will lead you to promising results-
2009 Yukio Goto Large-scale Web Services and Infrastructure Systems for Rakuten
2009 Ilya Grigorik Ruby C10K challenge: High Performance Networking
2009 Mohammad A. Ali NeverBlock and I/O Concurrency in Ruby
2009 Ehab El-Badry NeverBlock and I/O Concurrency in Ruby
2009 Yusuke Endoh concov: continuous test coverage viewer
2009 Andriy Hnativ Checking Interactively-Developed Code
2009 Joshua Hull To the Edge of Web Performance and Beyond
2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA RubyGems traps
2009 Shintaro Kakutani Project Report:Regional RubyKaigi
2009 Shintaro Kakutani Take the Red Pill
2009 Koz Masumitsu RubyConf.China2009 and Ruby/Rails community activities in China
2009 Daniel Bovensiepen Hello World From The Other Side Of Earth
2009 James Edward Gray II How Lazy Americans Monitor Servers
2009 Vincent Isambart Ruby, on your Mac of course
2009 Kouji Takao RubyCocoa/HotCocoa(RHC) - Let's develop an application of MacOS X with Ruby -
2009 Takuma Mori iPhone Application Development with Ruby
2009 Hiroshi SHIBATA Our tDiary's policy and strategies to support Ruby 1.9 and our future plan.
2009 Keita Urashima Haml and Sass: Solution for you who get tired of ugly markup