RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2010 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote
2010 Tanaka Akira Ruby API is Improved Unix API
2010 Shugo Maeda Best Imitation of Your Class
2010 Masatoshi SEKI The last decade of RWiki and lazy me
2010 Sutou Kouhei How to create Ruby reference manual search Web application with Ruby 1.9 groonga and rroonga
2010 Yugui Ruby 1.9.2 is released! / Ruby committers Q & A
2010 Makoto Kuwata How To Create A Beautiful Template Engine Which Never Breaks HTML
2010 Aaron Patterson Coding for fun, and having fun coding
2010 Narihiro Nakamura We can make the GC X times slower than the original
2010 Yasuko Ohba The basis of making DSL with Ruby
2010 Akira Matsuda Conflicts and Resolutions in Ruby and Rails
2010 Kenta Murata The future of the bigdecimal library and the number system of Ruby
2010 Yehuda Katz Truth and Consequences: Handling Ruby 1.9 Encodings in Rails
2010 okkez Ruby Reference Manual Renewal Project 2010 Summer
2010 Yusuke Endoh Esoteric Obfuscated Ruby Programming
2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA Daily Ruby
2010 Shintaro Kakutani There Is No Spoon -- Think Global, Act Regional
2010 Hiroshi SHIBATA How to survive in a post-Rails world
2010 Shin-ichiro OGAWA jpmobile on Rails 3
2010 Sarah Mei Feels Like Ruby
2010 Masaki Yamada Open social application development for cell-phones to begin in Ruby on Rails
2010 geemus User Experience for Library Designers
2010 Makoto Inoue Building Real Time Web
2010 Carl Lerche Rubygems, Bundler, and the future
2010 Sarah Allen A frog in a well does not know the great sea
2010 jugyo My many failed products
2010 Munjal Budhabhatti Rocking the enterprise with Ruby
2010 Sudhindra Rao Rocking the enterprise with Ruby
2010 Jiang Wu Rails to Sinatra: What is ready
2010 Ted Han Mapping the world with DataMapper
2010 Jake Scruggs The Necessity and Implementation of Speedy Tests
2010 paulelliott Seamless Integration Testing
2010 Paolo Perrotta A Metaprogramming Spell Book
2010 Kei Hamanaka Cloud management with Ruby
2010 Toshiyuki Terashita Distributed storage system with ruby
2010 Masahiro Tanaka NArray and scientific computing with Ruby
2010 Hideki Miura How Did Yarv2llvm Fail
2010 Alex Sharp Practical Ruby Projects with MongoDB
2010 Satoshi Shiba AOT Compiler for Ruby
2010 Tetsu Soh Memory Profiler for Ruby
2010 Shay Friedman IronRuby - What's in it for Rubyists?
2010 Tom Lieber Now you're thinking with virtual clocks
2010 Hiroshi Yoshioka The spread of enterprise Ruby at hot spot SHIMANE
2010 Chad Fowler Keynote