RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2011 Masayoshi Takahashi Ruby-no-kai Itself and Some Related Projects.
2011 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Lightweight Ruby
2011 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Pendulum, PG, and the hundred year language
2011 Keiju Ishitsuka About New Version of DeepConnect for Distributed Object Environment
2011 Shugo Maeda How to read JIS X 3017
2011 Masatoshi SEKI Drip: Persistent tuple space and stream.
2011 Yuichi Tateno Large-scale web service and operations with Ruby
2011 Sutou Kouhei How to create a testing framework
2011 Koichi Sasada Ruby Interpreters in the Parallel Worlds
2011 Thomas E Enebo Java in Ruby: Scripting Java in JRuby
2011 Makoto Kuwata Underlaying Technologies and Techniques behind O/R Mapper
2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI Improvement of ThreadGroup class and its usage
2011 Yutaka HARA Road to the Ruby Master
2011 Koichiro Ohba Java in Ruby: Scripting Java in JRuby
2011 Aaron Patterson Ruby Ruined My Life.
2011 Narihiro Nakamura Parallel world of CRuby's GC
2011 Akira Matsuda Ruby on Rails development that doesn't hurt
2011 Yehuda Katz Advancing Net::HTTP
2011 okkez Ruby-no-kai Itself and Some Related Projects.
2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA How to make secure program
2011 Shintaro Kakutani The Gate
2011 Shintaro Kakutani All About RubyKaigi Ecosystem
2011 Kouji Takao MacRuby on Rails
2011 Hiroshi SHIBATA The Art of "Legacy" Ruby Code Maintainance
2011 Shin-ichiro OGAWA The best practice of building mobile website with jpmobile
2011 Makoto Inoue The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and what you can do as a Rubyist ?
2011 CRuby development team Next version of Ruby 1.8 and 1.9
2011 Corey Donohoe Shipping at the Speed of Life
2011 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) Ruby, that community and me.
2011 Takahiro Sunaga The Real-time Profiler for Ruby
2011 Andy Delcambre Toggleable Mocks and Testing Strategies in a Service Oriented Architecture
2011 Ayumu AIZAWA Issues of Enterprise Rubyist
2011 Kiyoshi Ikehara Dynamic Component System and Memory Reduction of VM for Embedded Systems
2011 Koutaro Okabe Lightweight Ruby
2011 Kosuke Tanabe How libraries in Japan use Ruby - "Next-L Enju" and "NDL Search"
2011 Mayumi EMORI Critical mission system implemented in Ruby
2011 Elise Huard Actors on stage
2011 Eric Hodel Writing Friendly Libraries
2011 Richard Huang Use rails_best_practices to refactor your rails codes
2011 Wen-Tien Chang BDD style Unit Testing
2011 Kyosuke MOROHASHI 5 years know-how of RSpec driven Rails app. development.
2011 Chris Kowalik Efficient JavaScript integration testing with Ruby and V8 engine.
2011 Shumpei Akai Method Shelters : Another Way to Resolve Class Extension Conflicts
2011 KOSAKI Motohiro CRuby lock design improvement and why it sucks
2011 Sunao Tanabe Ruby-no-kai Itself and Some Related Projects.
2011 ANDO Yasushi Parse.y Famtour
2011 ucnv Visual Glitch, using Ruby
2011 Koji Shimada All About RubyKaigi Ecosystem
2011 Koji Shimada You must unlearn what you have learned: revisited
2011 Toshiaki Koshiba All About RubyKaigi Ecosystem
2011 Andrew Grimm Finding Black Holes in Ruby with the Small Eigen Collider
2011 Hal Seki The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and what you can do as a Rubyist ?
2011 Joshua Moore Writing custom DataMapper Adapters
2011 Fabio Akita Personal Dilemma: How to work with Ruby in Brazil?
2011 Hirotsugu Asari Know Ruby, will travel