RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2013 Masayoshi Takahashi The History of Ruby;20th Anniversary Ed.
2013 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto How to create Ruby
2013 Tanaka Akira Fight with Diversity
2013 Keiju Ishitsuka Ruby Archaeology
2013 Shugo Maeda Refining refinements
2013 Masatoshi SEKI Async programming is all about programming synchronously
2013 Sutou Kouhei Be a library developer!
2013 Koichi Sasada Toward efficient Ruby 2.1
2013 Urabe, Shyouhei 10 years of Ruby 1.8
2013 Charles Nutter The Future of JRuby?
2013 Thomas E Enebo The Future of JRuby?
2013 Laurent Sansonetti Inside RubyMotion
2013 Aaron Patterson Unfactoring
2013 Narihiro Nakamura Ruby's GC 2.0
2013 Akira Matsuda Ruby on Your Rails
2013 okkez Ruby2.0 reference manual for Japanese
2013 Shintaro Kakutani TWO CARTOON FOXES: the _why documentary (Japanese Subtitled)
2013 Daniel Bovensiepen Shrink to Grow
2013 Hiroshi SHIBATA Ruby 'root'
2013 Kyosuke MOROHASHI Concerning `Applications'
2013 Toshiaki Koshiba Ruby Kaja 2013 / Community Appeal
2013 Christopher Rigor Identical Production, Staging and Development Environments Using Chef, AWS and Vagrant
2013 Shizuo Fujita Inside RubyMotion
2013 Ruby Association & Ruby-no-Kai Two Legal Bodies about Ruby and its projects
2013 Kevin Triplett TWO CARTOON FOXES: the _why documentary (Japanese Subtitled)
2013 Ron Evans Ruby On Robots Using Artoo: A New Platform For Robotics, Physical Computing, and the Real World Web
2013 Adrian Zankich Ruby On Robots Using Artoo: A New Platform For Robotics, Physical Computing, and the Real World Web
2013 Danish Khan We Are Family
2013 Terence Lee `bundle install` Y U SO SLOW: Server Edition
2013 Prem Sichanugrist You have to test multiple versions of your gem's dependencies. You used Appraisal. It's super affective!
2013 Sebastian Burkhard RubyJS
2013 Takeshi Yabe Ruby Kaja 2013 / Community Appeal
2013 Issei Naruta High Performance Rails
2013 Kensuke Nagae Continuous gem dependency updating with Jenkins and Pull Request
2013 Martin Bosslet krypt. semper pi.
2013 Eddie Kao Code Reading - Learning More about Ruby by Reading Ruby Source Code
2013 André Arko Security is hard, but we can’t go shopping
2013 Xuejie "Rafael" Xiao Webruby: Now you can write your favorite Ruby code for the browser!
2013 José Valim Concurrency in Ruby: In search of inspiration
2013 Bryan Helmkamp Refactoring Fat Models with Patterns
2013 Usaku NAKAMURA Ruby on Windows -- the past, the present, and the future
2013 Daisuke Inoue How NougakuDo connect Windows Azure and Rails Application
2013 nagachika CRuby Committers Who's Who in 2013
2013 Richard Schneeman Millions of Apps Deployed: What We've Learned
2013 Matthew Conway Heroku Add-ons For Fun and Profit
2013 Lightning Talks Lightning Talks
2013 Jim Gay If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub: Objects, DCI, and Programming
2013 David Padilla From Rails to the web server to the browser
2013 Ryan Smith Fewer Constraints, More Concurrency.
2013 Max Gorin Rapid development of enterprise web apps with Netzke
2013 Toru Kawamura Rails Gems realize RESTful modeling patterns
2013 Matthew Mongeau The Origamist's Ruby: Folding better code
2013 Konstantin Haase Beyond Ruby
2013 Jacob Burkhart How to fail at Background Jobs
2013 Hiroki Yoshioka The Metric Talks or Not
2013 Kota Uenishi Casual Log Collection and Querying with fluent-plugin-riak
2013 Satoshi Tagomori Complex Event Processing on Ruby and Fluentd
2013 mame & the judges TRICK (Transcendental Ruby Imbroglio Contest for rubyKaigi)
2013 zzak Contributing to Ruby
2013 John Foley Paired ruby