RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2014 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Coming soon...
2014 Keiju Ishitsuka Reish, an unix shell for rubyist.
2014 Masatoshi SEKI Make your own synchronization mechanism.
2014 Sutou Kouhei Three Ruby usages - High-level interface, Glue and Embedding - Inside Droonga
2014 Koichi Sasada Building the Ruby interpreter -- What is easy and what is difficult?
2014 Thomas E Enebo JRuby 9000 Project Update
2014 Laurent Sansonetti Inside RubyMotion for Android
2014 Zev Blut 7 years of Ruby & Rails with the same web site
2014 Aaron Patterson Speeding up Rails 4.2
2014 Narihiro Nakamura Symbol GC
2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA Archeology of Ruby: Removed Features (Ruby 考古学 消された機能編)
2014 Kouji Takao Kids, Ruby, Fun!: Introduction of the Smalruby and the Ruby Programming Shounendan
2014 Hiroshi SHIBATA The Twelve-factor Ruby 「Ruby を良くするための12のポイント」
2014 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) Scalable deployments - How we deploy Rails app to 100+ hosts in a minute
2014 Richard Huang Write ruby code to change ruby code
2014 Kyosuke MOROHASHI Practical meta-programming in Application
2014 Prem Sichanugrist The Ruby Challenge
2014 Kensuke Nagae <%= link_to "bundle", "update" %> - Make "bundle update" more fun to review
2014 André Arko Extreme Makeover: Rubygems Edition
2014 nagachika CRuby Committers Who's Who in 2014
2014 Richard Schneeman Going the Distance
2014 Toru Kawamura Hypermedia: the Missing Element to Building Adaptable Web APIs in Rails
2014 zzak tending the ruby ecosystem
2014 Jonathan Mukai-Heidt Controller Testing: You’re Doing It Wrong
2014 Rei Odaira Eliminating Giant VM Lock in Ruby through Hardware Transactional Memory
2014 Robert Sanheim Continuous Delivery at GitHub
2014 Szu-Kai Hsu (brucehsu) Cores unleashed Part II: Introduction to GobiesVM (and Software Transactional Memory)
2014 Keiko Oda What's wrong with your app?
2014 Satoshi Egi Non-Linear Pattern Matching against Unfree Data Types in Ruby (Egison Pattern Matching in Ruby)
2014 Yasuo Honda Introduce Oracle enhanced adapter for ActiveRecord, another choice for your Rails database.
2014 Takumi Miura "Gem of this Week" - building culture and making gem
2014 Masahiro Ide A Just in Time compiler for CRuby (CRuby言語処理系向けJITコンパイラ)
2014 Prathamesh Sonpatki Deep down fixtures
2014 Thiago Scalone MRuby as Development Platform for Payments
2014 Daniel Rodriguez MRuby as Development Platform for Payments
2014 Emma Haruka Iwao RailsGirls: Not Only For Girls
2014 Takehiko YOSHIDA Open the door of embedded systems to IoT! mruby on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 ®
2014 Amy Wibowo Sweaters as a Service
2014 MATSUMOTO, Ryosuke Resource Control Architecture scripting with mruby for a Web Server Separating Computer Resources Virtually at Each HTTP Request
2014 Masahiro Nakagawa ServerEngine: a framework for multiprocess servers in Ruby
2014 Kevin Griffin 7 years of Ruby & Rails with the same web site
2014 Nobuyuki Honda Kids, Ruby, Fun!: Introduction of the Smalruby and the Ruby Programming Shounendan
2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto Power Assert in Ruby
2014 Andrew Culver ROM Hacking with Ruby
2014 Jian Weihang Streaming Processing in Camera Remote API
2014 Jonan Scheffler Everything is Broken: A Story of Hope
2014 Naotoshi Seo Fluentd Hacking Guide (Fluentd ソースコード完全解説)
2014 Kay Sawada 8bit Game Development With Ruby
2014 Matthew Werner The role of ruby in the single page app.
2014 Josh Kalderimis Scaling is hard, let's go server shopping! Or, How we scaled Travis CI, and helped Open Source at the same time.
2014 Yuki Torii Walking around ruby forest more deeply
2014 Aman Gupta Ruby 2.1 in Production