RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2015 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote
2015 Keiju Ishitsuka Usage and implementation of Reish which is an Unix shell for Rubyist
2015 Masatoshi SEKI Actor, Thread and me
2015 Sutou Kouhei The history of testing framework in Ruby
2015 Ippei Obayashi Ruby for one day game programming camp for beginners
2015 Koichi Sasada Compiling Ruby scripts
2015 Charles Nutter Upcoming Improvements to JRuby 9000
2015 Thomas E Enebo Upcoming Improvements to JRuby 9000
2015 Yutaka HARA Let's make a functional language!
2015 Evan Phoenix Keynote
2015 Laurent Sansonetti The future of Ruby is in motion!
2015 Aaron Patterson Request and Response
2015 Yehuda Katz Turbo Rails with Rust
2015 Hiroshi SHIBATA Pragmatic Testing of Ruby Core
2015 Paolo Perrotta Refinements - the Worst Feature You Ever Loved
2015 Mayumi EMORI Discussion on Thread between version 1.8.6 and 2.2.3
2015 KOSAKI Motohiro Keynote
2015 Terence Lee Building CLI Apps for Everyone
2015 Satoshi Tagomori Data Analytics Service Company and Its Ruby Usage
2015 mame & the judges TRICK 2015: The second Transcendental Ruby Imbroglio Contest for RubyKaigi
2015 zzak Building CLI Apps for Everyone
2015 Josh Kalderimis Beyond Saas: Building for Enterprise
2015 Matthew Gaudet Experiments in sharing Java VM technology with CRuby
2015 Yuki Nishijima Saving people from typos
2015 Shota Nakano mruby on the minimal embedded resource
2015 Hsing-Hui Hsu Time flies like an arrow; Fruit flies like a banana: Parsers for Great Good
2015 Kevin Menard Fast Metaprogramming with Truffle
2015 Emily Stolfo DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Testing
2015 Kohei Suzuki High Performance Template Engine: Guide to optimize your Ruby code
2015 Takashi Kokubun High Performance Template Engine: Guide to optimize your Ruby code
2015 Will Leinweber Introducing the Crystal Programming Language
2015 Julian Cheal Charming Robots
2015 Godfrey Chan Turbo Rails with Rust
2015 Naohisa Goto Running Ruby on Solaris
2015 Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim The worst Ruby codes I've seen in my life
2015 Masaki Matsushita Ruby meets Go
2015 Franck Verrot Ruby and PostgreSQL, a love story
2015 Masahiro Nagano Rhebok, High Performance Rack Handler
2015 Yurie Yamane making robot with mruby
2015 LT speakers (JA -> EN interpreters won't be available) Lightning Talks
2015 Ruby committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2015 Robert Young It's dangerous to GC alone. Take this!
2015 Craig Lehmann It's dangerous to GC alone. Take this!
2015 Yoh Osaki Writing web application in Ruby
2015 Sadayuki Furuhashi Plugin-based software design with Ruby and RubyGems
2015 Christophe Philemotte Prepare yourself against Zombie epidemic