RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2016 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Ruby3 Typing
2016 Tanaka Akira Unifying Fixnum and Bignum into Integer
2016 Masatoshi SEKI dRuby in the last century.
2016 Sutou Kouhei How to create bindings 2016
2016 Koichi Sasada A proposal of new concurrency model for Ruby 3
2016 Urabe, Shyouhei Optimizing Ruby
2016 Thomas E Enebo JRuby 9000 Last Year, Today, and Tomorrow
2016 NARUSE, Yui Dive into CRuby
2016 Martin J. Dürst Ups and Downs of Ruby Internationalization
2016 Kenta Murata SciRuby Machine Learning Current Status and Future
2016 okkez Ruby Reference Manual 2016 Autumn
2016 Hiroshi SHIBATA How DSL works on Ruby
2016 Eric Hodel Building maintainable command-line tools with mruby
2016 Toru Kawamura Web Clients for Ruby and What they should be in the future
2016 Satoshi Tagomori Modern Black Mages Fighting in the Real World
2016 Matthew Gaudet Ruby3x3: How are we going to measure 3x?
2016 Kevin Menard A Tale of Two String Representations
2016 Takashi Kokubun Scalable job queue system built with Docker
2016 Julian Cheal It's More Fun to Compute
2016 Franck Verrot Hijacking syscalls with (m)ruby
2016 Yurie Yamane High Tech Seat in mruby
2016 Yoh Osaki Isomorphic web programming in Ruby
2016 Lin Yu Hsiang ErRuby: Ruby on Erlang/OTP
2016 Petr Chalupa Who reordered my code?!
2016 Uchio KONDO Welcome to haconiwa - the (m)Ruby on Container
2016 蒼時弦也 Play with GLSL on OpenFrameworks
2016 Ritta Narita How to create multiprocess server on Windows with Ruby
2016 Justin Searls Fearlessly Refactoring Legacy Ruby
2016 Colby Swandale Writing A Gameboy Emulator in Ruby
2016 Aja Hammerly Exploring Big Data with Download Data
2016 Mitsutaka Mimura Learn Programming Essence from Ruby patches
2016 Eric Weinstein A Nil Device, a Lonely Operator, & a Voyage to the Void Star
2016 Kirk Haines Web Server Concurrency Architecture
2016 Masahiro TANAKA Pwrake: Distributed Workflow Engine based on Rake
2016 Sameer Deshmukh Data Analysis in RUby with daru
2016 Chris Arcand Deletion Driven Development: Code to delete code!
2016 Kazuho Oku Recent Advances in HTTP and Controlling them using ruby
2016 Anil Wadghule Ruby Concurrency compared
2016 Amir Rajan Game Development + Ruby = Happiness