RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2017 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote
2017 Tanaka Akira Ruby Extension Library Verified using Coq Proof-assistant
2017 Keiju Ishitsuka Irb 20th anniversary memorial session: Reish and Irb2
2017 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん Ruby in office time reboot
2017 Shugo Maeda Handling mails on a text editor
2017 Masatoshi SEKI How to write synchronization mechanisms for Fiber
2017 Sutou Kouhei Improve extension API: C++ as better language for extension
2017 Koichi Sasada Fiber in the 10th year
2017 Charles Nutter JRuby at 15 Years: Meeting the Challenges
2017 Thomas E Enebo JRuby at 15 Years: Meeting the Challenges
2017 John Mettraux Flor - hubristic interpreter
2017 Yutaka HARA Ruby, Opal and WebAssembly
2017 Martin J. Dürst Regular Expressions Inside Out
2017 Aaron Patterson Compacting GC in MRI
2017 Soutaro Matsumoto Type Checking Ruby Programs with Annotations
2017 Kenta Murata Development of Data Science Ecosystem for Ruby
2017 Yusuke Endoh An introduction and future of Ruby coverage library
2017 Kouji Takao Smalruby : The neat thing to connect Rubyists and Scratchers
2017 Hiroshi SHIBATA Gemification for Ruby 2.5/3.0
2017 Mayumi EMORI Serial Protocol Analyzer on Ruby
2017 Shizuo Fujita How to optimize Ruby internal.
2017 Terence Lee Bending The Curve: Putting Rust in Ruby with Helix
2017 Satoshi Tagomori Ruby for Distributed Storage System
2017 Nobuyuki Honda Smalruby : The neat thing to connect Rubyists and Scratchers
2017 Yuki Torii Pattern Matching in Ruby
2017 Yuki Nishijima Static Typo Checker in Ruby
2017 Kevin Menard Improving TruffleRuby’s Startup Time with the SubstrateVM
2017 Julian Cheal Do Androids Dream of Electronic Dance Music?
2017 Godfrey Chan Bending The Curve: Putting Rust in Ruby with Helix
2017 Yurie Yamane Write once, run on every boards: portable mruby
2017 Yoh Osaki dRuby on Browser
2017 Ritta Narita mruby gateway for huge amount of realtime data processing
2017 Colby Swandale Bundler 2
2017 Eric Weinstein Do Androids Dream of Electronic Dance Music?
2017 Masahiro TANAKA Progress of Ruby/Numo: Numerical Computing for Ruby
2017 Sameer Deshmukh C how to supercharge Ruby with Rubex
2017 nobu Keynote
2017 Takafumi ONAKA API Development in 2017
2017 Mat Schaffer Mapping your world with Ruby
2017 Noah Gibbs How Close is Ruby 3x3 For Production Web Apps?
2017 Kevin Newton Compiling Ruby
2017 Anton Davydov Hanami - New Ruby Web Framework
2017 Stan Lo I quit my job to write my own language: Goby
2017 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2017 Chris Salzberg The Ruby Module Builder Pattern
2017 Takuya Nishimoto What visually impaired programmers are thinking about Ruby?
2017 Victor Shepelev The Curious Case of Wikipedia Parsing
2017 Valentin Fondaratov Automated Type Contracts Generation for Ruby
2017 Joe Kutner Asynchronous and Non-Blocking IO with JRuby
2017 Fumiaki MATSUSHIMA Ruby Language Server
2017 Mai Nguyen Food, Wine and Machine Learning: Teaching a Bot to Taste
2017 Yasushi Itoh Introducing the Jet Programming Language
2017 Henry Tseng Tamashii - Create Rails IoT applications more easily
2017 Delton Ding High Concurrent Ruby Web Development Without Fear
2017 ITOYANAGI Sakura Ruby Parser In IRB 20th Anniversary...Now Let Time Resume
2017 Nate Berkopec Memory Fragmentation and Bloat in Ruby
2017 Masataka Kuwabara Writing Lint for Ruby
2017 Julian Nadeau Busting Performance Bottlenecks: Improving Boot Time by 60%
2017 Vladimir Makarov Towards Ruby 3x3 performance