RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2018 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Proverbs
2018 Keiju Ishitsuka Reirb: Reborn Irb
2018 Shugo Maeda Build your own tools
2018 Masatoshi SEKI extend your own programming language
2018 Sutou Kouhei My way with Ruby
2018 Sutou Kouhei RubyData Workshop (2) Red Data Tools Lightning Talks
2018 Koichi Sasada Guild Prototype
2018 Thomas E Enebo JRuby 9.2 and Rails 5.x
2018 Martin J. Dürst Grow and Shrink - Dynamically Extending the Ruby VM Stack
2018 Aaron Patterson Analyzing and Reducing Ruby Memory Usage
2018 Soutaro Matsumoto Ruby Programming with Type Checking
2018 Kenta Murata Deep Learning Programming on Ruby
2018 Kenta Murata RubyData Workshop (1) Data Science in Ruby
2018 Yusuke Endoh Type Profiler: An analysis to guess type signatures
2018 Hiroshi SHIBATA RubyGems 3 & 4
2018 Eric Hodel Devly, a multi-service development environment
2018 Terence Lee Controlling Droids™ with mruby & Go
2018 Satoshi Tagomori Hijacking Ruby Syntax in Ruby
2018 mame & the judges TRICK 2018 (FINAL)
2018 Thiago Scalone 20k MRuby devices in production
2018 Emma Haruka Iwao Exploring Internal Ruby Through C Extensions
2018 MATSUMOTO, Ryosuke Design pattern for embedding mruby into middleware
2018 Naotoshi Seo Fast Numerical Computing and Deep Learning in Ruby with Cumo
2018 Takashi Kokubun The Method JIT Compiler for Ruby 2.6
2018 Yurie Yamane mruby can be more lightweight
2018 Yoh Osaki How to get the dark power from ISeq
2018 Uchio KONDO How Ruby Survives in the Cloud Native World
2018 Kirk Haines It's Rubies All The Way Down
2018 Sameer Deshmukh Ferrari Driven Development: superfast Ruby with Rubex
2018 Kazuho Oku How happy they became with H2O/mruby, and the future of HTTP
2018 Noah Gibbs Faster Apps, No Memory Thrash: Get Your Memory Config Right
2018 Anton Davydov Architecture of hanami applications
2018 Stan Lo What would your own version of Ruby look like?
2018 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2018 ITOYANAGI Sakura IRB Reboot: Modernize Implementation and Features
2018 Masataka Kuwabara A parser based syntax highlighter
2018 Julian Nadeau Scaling Teams using Tests for Productivity and Education
2018 Vladimir Makarov Three Ruby performance projects
2018 Maciej Mensfeld Karafka - Ruby Framework for Event Driven Architecture
2018 Yuta Kurotaki bancor: Token economy made with Ruby
2018 Yusaku Hatanaka Deep Learning Programming on Ruby
2018 Dmitry Petrashko A practical type system for Ruby at Stripe.
2018 Paul Tarjan A practical type system for Ruby at Stripe.
2018 Nelson Elhage A practical type system for Ruby at Stripe.
2018 joker1007 Hijacking Ruby Syntax in Ruby
2018 Bozhidar Batsov All About RuboCop
2018 Piotr Murach TTY - Ruby alchemist’s secret potion
2018 Thibaut Barrère Kiba 2 - Past, present & future of data processing with Ruby
2018 Chase McCarthy Controlling Droids™ with mruby & Go
2018 Edouard Chin Journey of a complex gem upgrade
2018 Koichi ITO Improve Ruby coding style rules and Lint
2018 Hitoshi HASUMI Firmware programming with mruby/c
2018 Yuichiro Kaneko RNode with code positions
2018 Genadi Samokovarov Implementing Web Console
2018 Vladimir Dementyev One cable to rule them all
2018 Benoit Daloze Parallel and Thread-Safe Ruby at High-Speed with TruffleRuby
2018 Keita Sugiyama Grow and Shrink - Dynamically Extending the Ruby VM Stack
2018 Kenichi Kanai Ruby code from the stratosphere - SIAF, Sonic Pi, Petal
2018 Ezekiel Templin Devly, a multi-service development environment
2018 Marc-André Lafortune Deep into Ruby Code Coverage
2018 Takeshi Watanabe LuaJIT as a Ruby backend.
2018 Prasun Anand High Performance GPU computing with Ruby
2018 i110 How happy they became with H2O/mruby, and the future of HTTP