RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2019 Masayoshi Takahashi (partially) Non-volatile mruby
2019 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto The Year of Concurrency
2019 Tanaka Akira What is Domain Specific Language?
2019 Shugo Maeda Terminal curses
2019 Masatoshi SEKI dRuby 20th anniversary hands-on workshop
2019 Sutou Kouhei Better CSV processing with Ruby 2.6
2019 Sutou Kouhei RubyData Workshop
2019 Koichi Sasada Write a Ruby interpreter in Ruby for Ruby 3
2019 Urabe, Shyouhei The send-pop optimisation
2019 Charles Nutter JRuby: The Road to Ruby 2.6 and Rails 6
2019 Thomas E Enebo JRuby: The Road to Ruby 2.6 and Rails 6
2019 Yutaka HARA Ovto: Frontend web framework for Rubyists
2019 Aaron Patterson Compacting GC for MRI v2
2019 Tatsuhiro Ujihisa Play with local vars
2019 Soutaro Matsumoto The challenges behind Ruby type checking
2019 Kenta Murata RubyData Workshop
2019 Kenta Murata Reducing ActiveRecord memory consumption using Apache Arrow
2019 Jeremy Evans Optimization Techniques Used by the Benchmark Winners
2019 Yusuke Endoh A Type-level Ruby Interpreter for Testing and Understanding
2019 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA RubyData Workshop
2019 Hiroshi SHIBATA The future of the Bundled Bundler with RubyGems
2019 Paolo Perrotta A Deep Learning Adventure
2019 Shizuo Fujita RMagick, migrate to ImageMagick 7
2019 nagachika All bugfixes are incompatibilities
2019 Kazuki Tsujimoto Pattern matching - New feature in Ruby 2.7
2019 Naotoshi Seo Red Chainer and Cumo: Practical Deep Learning in Ruby
2019 Kevin Menard Beyond `puts`: TruffleRuby’s Modern Debugger Using Chrome
2019 Emily Stolfo Benchmarking your code, inside and out
2019 Takashi Kokubun Performance Improvement of Ruby 2.7 JIT in Real World
2019 Yoh Osaki Ruby for NLP
2019 Sadayuki Furuhashi Performance Optimization Techniques of MessagePack-Ruby
2019 Petr Chalupa TruffleRuby: Wrapping up compatibility for C extensions
2019 Uchio KONDO The fastest way to bootstrap Ruby on Rails
2019 Justin Searls The Selfish Programmer
2019 Colby Swandale Working towards Bundler 3
2019 Amir Rajan Building a game for the Nintendo Switch using Ruby
2019 nobu Timezone API
2019 Noah Gibbs Six Years of Ruby Performance: A History
2019 Kevin Newton Pre-evaluation in Ruby
2019 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2019 ITOYANAGI Sakura Terminal Editors For Ruby Core Toolchain
2019 Nate Berkopec Determining Ruby Process Counts: Theory and Practice
2019 Vladimir Makarov A light weight JIT compiler project for CRuby
2019 Maciej Mensfeld How to take over a Ruby gem
2019 Yusaku Hatanaka Red Chainer and Cumo: Practical Deep Learning in Ruby
2019 Paul Tarjan State of Sorbet: A Type Checker for Ruby
2019 joker1007 Pragmatic Monadic Programing in Ruby
2019 Hitoshi HASUMI Practical mruby/c firmware development with CRuby
2019 Genadi Samokovarov Writing Debuggers in Plain Ruby! Fact or fiction?
2019 Matz & the Ruby Core Team Ruby 3 Progress Report
2019 ota42y How to use OpenAPI3 for API developer
2019 Giovanni Sakti Pathfinder - Building a Container Platform in Ruby Ecosystem
2019 Alexander Ivanov Compiling Ruby to idiomatic code in static languages
2019 Zahary Karadjov Compiling Ruby to idiomatic code in static languages
2019 Samuel Williams Fibers Are the Right Solution
2019 Matthew Draper A Bundle of Joy: Rewriting for Performance
2019 Alex Wood Building Serverless Applications in Ruby with AWS Lambda
2019 Shawnee Gao GraphQL Migration: A Proper Use Case for Metaprogramming?
2019 Sam Phippen How RSpec works
2019 Kazuma Furuhashi Better CSV processing with Ruby 2.6
2019 Kazuma Furuhashi RubyData Workshop
2019 Hiromasa Ishii intimate Chat with Matz and mruby developers about mruby
2019 Xavier Noria Zeitwerk: A new code loader
2019 Andrey Novikov Yabeda: Monitoring monogatari
2019 Jake Zimmerman State of Sorbet: A Type Checker for Ruby
2019 Michael Grosser Actionable Code Coverage
2019 Kozo Nishida RubyData Workshop
2019 Alex Rodionov Crystalball: predicting test failures
2019 Mike McQuaid Building Homebrew in Ruby: The Good, Bad and Ugly
2019 Yurie Yamane(team yamanekko) (partially) Non-volatile mruby
2019 Ariel Zelivansky Fuzzing native Ruby code with Kisaten
2019 Sangyong Sim Cleaning up a huge ruby application
2019 Colin Fulton Running Ruby On The Apple II
2019 Go Sueyoshi Best practices in web API client development
2019 Tung Nguyen Ruby Serverless Framework