RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2020-takeout Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Matz Keynote
2020-takeout Shugo Maeda Magic is organizing chaos
2020-takeout Masatoshi SEKI Rinda in the real-world embedded systems.
2020-takeout Sutou Kouhei Goodbye fat gem
2020-takeout Koichi Sasada Ractor report
2020-takeout Urabe, Shyouhei On sending methods
2020-takeout Aaron Patterson Don't @ me! Instance Variable Performance in Ruby
2020-takeout Soutaro Matsumoto The State of Ruby 3 Typing
2020-takeout Jeremy Evans Keyword Arguments: Past, Present, and Future
2020-takeout Yusuke Endoh Type Profiler: a Progress Report of a Ruby 3 Type Analyzer
2020-takeout Hiroshi SHIBATA Dependency Resolution with Standard Libraries
2020-takeout Hideki Miura Ruby to C Translator by AI
2020-takeout Yoh Osaki Asynchronous Opal
2020-takeout Lin Yu Hsiang mruby-rr: Time Traveling Debugger For mruby Using rr
2020-takeout 蒼時弦也 Is it time run Ruby on Web via WebAssembly?
2020-takeout Kevin Newton Prettier Ruby
2020-takeout CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2020-takeout CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2020-takeout ITOYANAGI Sakura The Complex Nightmare of the Asian Cultural Area
2020-takeout Koichi ITO Road to RuboCop 1.0
2020-takeout Hitoshi HASUMI mruby machine: An Operating System for Microcontoller
2020-takeout Vladimir Dementyev The whys and hows of transpiling Ruby
2020-takeout Benoit Daloze Running Rack and Rails Faster with TruffleRuby
2020-takeout Samuel Williams Don't Wait For Me! Scalable Concurrency for Ruby 3!
2020-takeout Ernesto Tagwerker RubyMem: The Leaky Gems Database for Bundler
2020-takeout Ufuk Kayserilioglu Reflecting on Ruby Reflection for Rendering RBIs
2020-takeout Yuji Yokoo Developing your Dreamcast apps and games with mruby
2020-takeout ODA Hirohito msgraph: Microsoft Graph API Client with Ruby
2020-takeout Jônatas Davi Paganini Live coding: Grepping Ruby code like a boss
2020-takeout Katsuhiko Kageyama Now is the time to create your own (m)Ruby computer