RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2021-takeout Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Matz Keynote
2021-takeout Shugo Maeda include/prepend in refinements should be prohibited
2021-takeout Masatoshi SEKI dRuby in the real-world embedded systems.
2021-takeout Sutou Kouhei Red Arrow - Ruby and Apache Arrow
2021-takeout Koichi Sasada The Art of Execution Control for Ruby's Debugger
2021-takeout Martin J. Dürst Regular Expressions: Amazing and Dangerous
2021-takeout Kenta Murata Charty: Statistical data visualization in Ruby
2021-takeout Jeremy Evans Optimizing Partial Backtraces in Ruby 3
2021-takeout Yusuke Endoh TypeProf for IDE: Enrich Dev-Experience without Annotations
2021-takeout Hiroshi SHIBATA How to develop the Standard Libraries of Ruby?
2021-takeout Richard Schneeman Beware the Dead End!!
2021-takeout Satoshi Tagomori Ractor's speed is not light-speed
2021-takeout Takashi Kokubun Why Ruby's JIT was slow
2021-takeout Uchio KONDO Story of Rucy - How to "compile" a BPF binary from Ruby
2021-takeout 蒼時弦也 It is time to build your mruby VM on the microcontroller?
2021-takeout Mat Schaffer 10 years of Ruby-powered citizen science
2021-takeout Kevin Newton Parsing Ruby
2021-takeout CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2021-takeout ITOYANAGI Sakura Graphical Terminal User Interface of Ruby 3.1
2021-takeout Masataka Kuwabara The newsletter of RBS updates
2021-takeout Koichi ITO RuboCop in 2021: Stable and Beyond
2021-takeout Hitoshi HASUMI PRK Firmware: Keyboard is Essentially Ruby
2021-takeout Benoit Daloze Just-in-Time Compiling Ruby Regexps on TruffleRuby
2021-takeout Ufuk Kayserilioglu Demystifying DSLs for better analysis and understanding
2021-takeout Nick Schwaderer Ruby Archaeology
2021-takeout Peter Zhu Variable Width Allocation: Optimizing Ruby's Memory Layout
2021-takeout Matt Valentine-House Variable Width Allocation: Optimizing Ruby's Memory Layout
2021-takeout Misaki Shioi Toycol: Define your own application protocol
2021-takeout Vinicius Stock Parallel testing with Ractors: putting CPUs to work
2021-takeout Tatsuya Sonokawa dRuby in the real-world embedded systems.
2021-takeout やもり Falling down from FreeBSD
2021-takeout Chris Seaton The Future Shape of Ruby Objects
2021-takeout Josef Haider Just-in-Time Compiling Ruby Regexps on TruffleRuby
2021-takeout Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert YJIT - Building a new JIT Compiler inside CRuby
2021-takeout Daniel Magliola Do regex dream of Turing Completeness?
2021-takeout osyo Use Macro all the time ~ マクロを使いまくろ ~
2021-takeout Mauro Eldritch Crafting exploits, tools and havoc with Ruby
2021-takeout Mike Dalessio Building Native Extensions. This Could Take A While...
2021-takeout Mari Imaizumi Dive into Encoding
2021-takeout Yusuke Nakamura Ruby, Ractor, QUIC