RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2022 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Contribute to Ruby
2022 Masatoshi SEKI Create my own search engine.
2022 Sutou Kouhei Fast data processing with Ruby and Apache Arrow
2022 Koichi Sasada Making *MaNy* threads on Ruby
2022 Soutaro Matsumoto Ruby programming with types in action
2022 Yasuko Ohba The Better RuboCop World to enjoy Ruby
2022 Kenta Murata Method-based JIT compilation by transpiling to Julia
2022 Jeremy Evans Fixing Assignment Evaluation Order
2022 Yusuke Endoh error_highlight: user-friendly error diagnostics
2022 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA History of Japanese Ruby reference manual, and future
2022 Hiroshi SHIBATA Why is building the Ruby environment hard?
2022 mame & the judges TRICK 2022 (Returns)
2022 Takashi Kokubun Towards Ruby 4 JIT
2022 Uchio KONDO Ruby x BPF in Action: How important observability is
2022 Colby Swandale Adding Type Signatures into Ruby Docs
2022 Kevin Newton Syntax Tree
2022 Stan Lo ruby/debug - The best investment for your productivity
2022 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs The World
2022 Chris Salzberg Caching With MessagePack
2022 Vladimir Makarov A Faster CRuby interpreter with dynamically specialized IR
2022 Yuta Kurotaki Ethereum for Ruby
2022 Koichi ITO Make RuboCop super fast
2022 Samuel Williams Real World Applications with the Ruby Fiber Scheduler
2022 Yuji Yokoo Megaruby - Running mruby/c programs on Sega Mega Drive
2022 Nick Schwaderer Ruby Archaeology: Forgotten web frameworks
2022 Peter Zhu Automatically Find Memory Leaks in Native Gems
2022 Matt Valentine-House Heaping on the complexity! An adventure in GC Compaction
2022 Misaki Shioi Packet analysis with mruby on Wireshark - dRuby as example
2022 やもり with mruby
2022 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert Building a Lightweight IR and Backend for YJIT
2022 osyo Let's collect type info during Ruby running and automaticall
2022 Mari Imaizumi String Meets Encoding
2022 Yusuke Nakamura Do Pure Ruby Dream of Encrypted Binary Protocol?
2022 Yuta Saito Ruby meets WebAssembly
2022 Fu-ga Types teaches success, what will we do?
2022 Naoto Ono Tools for Providing rich user experience in debugger
2022 Jemma Issroff Implementing Object Shapes in CRuby
2022 Fujimoto Seiji How fast really is Ruby 3.x?
2022 Ivo Anjo Hunting Production Memory Leaks with Heap Sampling
2022 KJ Tsanaktsidis Hunting Production Memory Leaks with Heap Sampling
2022 Yuki Kurihara RBS generation framework using Rack architecture
2022 Alan Wu Stories from developing YJIT