RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2024 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Matz Keynote
2024 Masatoshi SEKI ERB, ancient and future
2024 Koichi Sasada Ractor Enhancements, 2024
2024 Charles Nutter JRuby 10: Ruby 3.3 on the Modern JVM
2024 Martin J. Dürst Squeezing Unicode Names into Ruby Regular Expressions
2024 Aaron Patterson Speeding up Instance Variables with Red-Black Trees
2024 Soutaro Matsumoto Embedding it into Ruby code
2024 Jeremy Evans Reducing Implicit Allocations During Method Calling
2024 Yusuke Endoh Good first issues of TypeProf
2024 Hiroshi SHIBATA Long journey of Ruby standard library
2024 Satoshi Tagomori Namespace, What and Why
2024 Emma Haruka Iwao Ruby and the World Record Pi Calculation
2024 Kay Sawada Turning CDN edge into a Rack web server with ruby.wasm
2024 Takashi Kokubun YJIT Makes Rails 1.7x Faster
2024 Uchio KONDO An mruby for WebAssembly
2024 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers and the World
2024 Masataka Kuwabara Community-driven RBS repository
2024 Koichi ITO RuboCop: LSP and Prism
2024 Hitoshi HASUMI Unlock The Universal Parsers: A New PicoRuby Compiler
2024 Yuichiro Kaneko The grand strategy of Ruby Parser
2024 Vladimir Dementyev Ruby Mixology 101: adding shots of PHP, Elixir, and more
2024 Benoit Daloze From Interpreting C Extensions to Compiling Them
2024 Samuel Williams Leveraging Falcon and Rails for Real-Time Interactivity
2024 Mike McQuaid Using "modern" Ruby to build a better, faster Homebrew
2024 Yuji Yokoo Cross-platform mruby on Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo Wii
2024 Peter Zhu Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
2024 Matt Valentine-House Strings! Interpolation, Optimisation & Bugs
2024 Misaki Shioi An adventure of Happy Eyeballs
2024 Vinicius Stock The state of Ruby dev tooling
2024 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert Breaking the Ruby Performance Barrier
2024 Mari Imaizumi Exploring Reline: Enhancing Command Line Usability
2024 Yuta Saito RubyGems on ruby.wasm
2024 Ivo Anjo Optimizing Ruby: Building an Always-On Production Profiler
2024 KJ Tsanaktsidis Finding and fixing memory safety bugs in C with ASAN
2024 Hiroya FUJINAMI Make Your Own Regex Engine!
2024 tomoya ishida Writing Weird Code
2024 Daisuke Aritomo (osyoyu) The depths of profiling Ruby
2024 Shigeru Nakajima Using Ruby in the browser is wonderful.
2024 Masato Ohba Unlocking Potential of Property Based Testing with Ractor
2024 Samuel Giddins Remembering (ok, not really Sarah) Marshal
2024 Shunsuke Mori (kokuyou) Let's use LLMs from Ruby 〜 Refine RBS types using LLM 〜
2024 John Hawthorn Vernier: A next generation profiler for CRuby
2024 Matt Muller Generating a custom SDK for your web service or Rails API
2024 Brandon Weaver Refactoring with ASTs and Pattern Matching
2024 Adam Hess Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
2024 Yudai Takada Does Ruby Parser dream of highly expressive grammar?
2024 Masaki Hara Getting along with YAML comments with Psych
2024 ahogappa It's about time to pack Ruby and Ruby scripts in one binary
2024 monochrome Running Optcarrot (faster) on my own Ruby.
2024 Ryo Kajiwara Adding Security to Microcontroller Ruby
2024 memory How to implement a RubyVM with PHP?
2024 Junichi Kobayashi From LALR to IELR: A Lrama's Next Step
2024 Ryota Egusa Porting mruby/c for the SNES (Super Famicom)