RubyKaigi Speakers

Year Name Title
2006 Masayoshi Takahashi Ruby の歴史
2009 Masayoshi Takahashi Keynote Address: Ruby, Nihon Ruby-no-Kai and me
2011 Masayoshi Takahashi Ruby-no-kai Itself and Some Related Projects.
2013 Masayoshi Takahashi The History of Ruby;20th Anniversary Ed.
2019 Masayoshi Takahashi (partially) Non-volatile mruby
2006 井上 浩 NaCl のオープンソース戦略〜そして今後の Ruby 戦略に関して〜
2006 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto State of the Dominion
2007 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto The Keynote for RubyKaigi 2007
2008 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote
2009 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote Address
2010 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote
2011 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Lightweight Ruby
2011 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Pendulum, PG, and the hundred year language
2013 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto How to create Ruby
2014 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Coming soon...
2015 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote
2016 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Ruby3 Typing
2017 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Keynote
2018 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Proverbs
2019 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto The Year of Concurrency
2020-takeout Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Matz Keynote
2021-takeout Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Matz Keynote
2022 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Contribute to Ruby
2023 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto 30 Years of Ruby
2024 Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Matz Keynote
2006 Akio Tajima Rubyize による言語境界の越え方
2007 Akio Tajima YAR(V)I: Yet Another Ruby(on VM) Implementations
2008 Akio Tajima How to Write Ruby Extended Library
2009 Akio Tajima Ruby - The Script Language
2006 Tanaka Akira 使いやすいライブラリ API デザイン
2008 Tanaka Akira How to Persuade matz
2009 Tanaka Akira socket library improvement
2010 Tanaka Akira Ruby API is Improved Unix API
2013 Tanaka Akira Fight with Diversity
2016 Tanaka Akira Unifying Fixnum and Bignum into Integer
2017 Tanaka Akira Ruby Extension Library Verified using Coq Proof-assistant
2019 Tanaka Akira What is Domain Specific Language?
2006 Keiju Ishitsuka Ruby プログラミング + モデリングでより楽しくなろう - その1
2009 Keiju Ishitsuka Distributed Parallel Computing Framework fairy and Distributed Object System DeepConnect
2011 Keiju Ishitsuka About New Version of DeepConnect for Distributed Object Environment
2013 Keiju Ishitsuka Ruby Archaeology
2014 Keiju Ishitsuka Reish, an unix shell for rubyist.
2015 Keiju Ishitsuka Usage and implementation of Reish which is an Unix shell for Rubyist
2017 Keiju Ishitsuka Irb 20th anniversary memorial session: Reish and Irb2
2018 Keiju Ishitsuka Reirb: Reborn Irb
2006 なひ セキュアアプリケーションプログラミング
2006 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん 仕事で使うRuby
2007 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん Use Ruby More At Work
2008 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん More Ruby in daily business
2009 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん Numeric in Ruby
2009 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん あらためて仕事で使うRuby
2017 Kentaro Goto / ごとけん Ruby in office time reboot
2006 Shugo Maeda Railsによるメタプログラミング入門
2008 Shugo Maeda A Study on Rails Syndrome
2009 Shugo Maeda Re-introduction to Ruby
2010 Shugo Maeda Best Imitation of Your Class
2011 Shugo Maeda How to read JIS X 3017
2013 Shugo Maeda Refining refinements
2017 Shugo Maeda Handling mails on a text editor
2018 Shugo Maeda Build your own tools
2019 Shugo Maeda Terminal curses
2020-takeout Shugo Maeda Magic is organizing chaos
2021-takeout Shugo Maeda include/prepend in refinements should be prohibited
2006 ただただし Ruby anywhere 〜Ruby普及のためにアプリケーションができること
2006 Masatoshi SEKI dRubyをもう一度
2007 Masatoshi SEKI Rinda: Answering the RubyConf, RubyKaigi
2008 Masatoshi SEKI Recollections of erb
2009 Masatoshi SEKI Great BigTable and my toys
2010 Masatoshi SEKI The last decade of RWiki and lazy me
2011 Masatoshi SEKI Drip: Persistent tuple space and stream.
2013 Masatoshi SEKI Async programming is all about programming synchronously
2014 Masatoshi SEKI Make your own synchronization mechanism.
2015 Masatoshi SEKI Actor, Thread and me
2016 Masatoshi SEKI dRuby in the last century.
2017 Masatoshi SEKI How to write synchronization mechanisms for Fiber
2018 Masatoshi SEKI extend your own programming language
2019 Masatoshi SEKI dRuby 20th anniversary hands-on workshop
2020-takeout Masatoshi SEKI Rinda in the real-world embedded systems.
2021-takeout Masatoshi SEKI dRuby in the real-world embedded systems.
2022 Masatoshi SEKI Create my own search engine.
2023 Masatoshi SEKI Learn Ractor
2024 Masatoshi SEKI ERB, ancient and future
2006 中島 拓 Amrita2 の紹介
2006 Yuichi Tateno Perl の会社で使われる Ruby の利用法とは!?
2007 Yuichi Tateno "Moteru" Ruby! Using Ruby to Edit Graphics, This Way and That
2011 Yuichi Tateno Large-scale web service and operations with Ruby
2006 moriq (吉田和弘) Rails による Web アプリケーション開発・保守事例の紹介
2006 西 和則 ActiveRecord を詳しく
2006 David Heinemeier Hansson One controller, many ins, many outs
2006 片山俊明 BioRuby
2006 Fujimoto Hisa RubyCocoaで作るMacアプリケーション
2007 Fujimoto Hisa RubyCocoa - Mac OS X Software Development with Ruby
2006 立川察理 RubyによるHL7プロトコルライブラリ
2006 cuzic Ruby On Rails の Relative Path プラグイン
2006 大西正太 Rails製CMS「Rubricks」
2006 えとー わりと簡単rubyアプリをDebianへ
2006 Sutou Kouhei Ruby on 風博士
2007 Sutou Kouhei rcairo
2009 Sutou Kouhei Between C and Ruby
2010 Sutou Kouhei How to create Ruby reference manual search Web application with Ruby 1.9 groonga and rroonga
2011 Sutou Kouhei How to create a testing framework
2013 Sutou Kouhei Be a library developer!
2014 Sutou Kouhei Three Ruby usages - High-level interface, Glue and Embedding - Inside Droonga
2015 Sutou Kouhei The history of testing framework in Ruby
2016 Sutou Kouhei How to create bindings 2016
2017 Sutou Kouhei Improve extension API: C++ as better language for extension
2018 Sutou Kouhei My way with Ruby
2018 Sutou Kouhei RubyData Workshop (2) Red Data Tools Lightning Talks
2019 Sutou Kouhei Better CSV processing with Ruby 2.6
2019 Sutou Kouhei RubyData Workshop
2020-takeout Sutou Kouhei Goodbye fat gem
2021-takeout Sutou Kouhei Red Arrow - Ruby and Apache Arrow
2022 Sutou Kouhei Fast data processing with Ruby and Apache Arrow
2023 Sutou Kouhei Ruby + ADBC - A single API between Ruby and DBs
2006 Yugui なぜブロックは素晴らしいか -- RubyがLispでない理由
2008 Yugui Rails Development with RSpec, a Case Study
2009 Yugui Road map for Ruby 1.9.2
2010 Yugui Ruby 1.9.2 is released! / Ruby committers Q & A
2006 Ippei Obayashi Ruby Reference Seeker for Emacsen
2007 Ippei Obayashi Ruby/SDL and related topics
2015 Ippei Obayashi Ruby for one day game programming camp for beginners
2006 市川 宙 人工無能 ロイディ
2006 Kouichirou ETO インターネット物理モデル: または私はいかにして悩むのをやめ転がる玉を愛するようになったか
2007 Kouichirou ETO How I Made Media Artworks with Ruby, Without Losing a Single Yen
2007 Koichi Sasada A Report of Ruby 1.9 Implementation: Current Status and Future Goals
2008 Koichi Sasada RubyVM Development, Now and the Future
2009 Koichi Sasada Perspective on Performance Improvement of Ruby Virtual Machine
2009 Koichi Sasada Road to Rubyist Magazine
2011 Koichi Sasada Ruby Interpreters in the Parallel Worlds
2013 Koichi Sasada Toward efficient Ruby 2.1
2014 Koichi Sasada Building the Ruby interpreter -- What is easy and what is difficult?
2015 Koichi Sasada Compiling Ruby scripts
2016 Koichi Sasada A proposal of new concurrency model for Ruby 3
2017 Koichi Sasada Fiber in the 10th year
2018 Koichi Sasada Guild Prototype
2019 Koichi Sasada Write a Ruby interpreter in Ruby for Ruby 3
2020-takeout Koichi Sasada Ractor report
2021-takeout Koichi Sasada The Art of Execution Control for Ruby's Debugger
2022 Koichi Sasada Making *MaNy* threads on Ruby
2023 Koichi Sasada "Ractor" reconsidered
2024 Koichi Sasada Ractor Enhancements, 2024
2007 Urabe, Shyouhei Stable Ruby and its future
2009 Urabe, Shyouhei Fate of Ruby 1.8
2013 Urabe, Shyouhei 10 years of Ruby 1.8
2016 Urabe, Shyouhei Optimizing Ruby
2019 Urabe, Shyouhei The send-pop optimisation
2020-takeout Urabe, Shyouhei On sending methods
2007 Minero AOKI The Ruby Reference Manual NG
2008 Minero AOKI The Ruby Reference Manual - Current status and its future
2007 Charles Nutter JRuby: Ruby for the Java Platform
2008 Charles Nutter JRuby: Ready for Action
2013 Charles Nutter The Future of JRuby?
2015 Charles Nutter Upcoming Improvements to JRuby 9000
2017 Charles Nutter JRuby at 15 Years: Meeting the Challenges
2019 Charles Nutter JRuby: The Road to Ruby 2.6 and Rails 6
2023 Charles Nutter JRuby: Looking Forward
2024 Charles Nutter JRuby 10: Ruby 3.3 on the Modern JVM
2007 Thomas E Enebo JRuby: Ruby for the Java Platform
2009 Thomas E Enebo JRuby Update 2009
2011 Thomas E Enebo Java in Ruby: Scripting Java in JRuby
2013 Thomas E Enebo The Future of JRuby?
2014 Thomas E Enebo JRuby 9000 Project Update
2015 Thomas E Enebo Upcoming Improvements to JRuby 9000
2016 Thomas E Enebo JRuby 9000 Last Year, Today, and Tomorrow
2017 Thomas E Enebo JRuby at 15 Years: Meeting the Challenges
2018 Thomas E Enebo JRuby 9.2 and Rails 5.x
2019 Thomas E Enebo JRuby: The Road to Ruby 2.6 and Rails 6
2007 Takaaki TATEISHI Using Non-Ruby Libraries
2007 Makoto Kuwata An example of a Ruby script that is faster than a C extension module.
2009 Makoto Kuwata All about Erubis
2010 Makoto Kuwata How To Create A Beautiful Template Engine Which Never Breaks HTML
2011 Makoto Kuwata Underlaying Technologies and Techniques behind O/R Mapper
2007 Park Jiin Web Scraping with Ruby - Hpricot and Mechanize and scRubyt
2007 Tim Bray The World In 30 Minutes
2007 Naoto Takai Enterprise Ruby with JRuby on Rails
2008 Naoto Takai Real-World Enterprise Ruby
2009 Naoto Takai Learning Successful Architcture from "Enterprise Rails"
2007 John Mettraux OpenWFEru, a Ruby workflow engine
2009 John Mettraux Edo Cabinet
2017 John Mettraux Flor - hubristic interpreter
2007 Shun'ichi Shinohara AP4R : Asynchronous Messaging Library for Ruby
2007 Kiwamu Kato AP4R : Asynchronous Messaging Library for Ruby
2007 Hidetoshi NAGAI Inside Ruby/Tk
2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI Improvement of Ruby/Tk: New and Useful Features
2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI Improvement of ThreadGroup class and its usage
2007 Masao Mutoh Hello Ruby-GNOME2 World
2007 nyasu (NISHIKAWA Yasuhiro) Windows GUI Development with Project 'VisualuRuby'
2007 Yutaka HARA Ruby/SDL and related topics
2009 Yutaka HARA N-ways to distribute your Ruby desktop apps
2011 Yutaka HARA Road to the Ruby Master
2015 Yutaka HARA Let's make a functional language!
2017 Yutaka HARA Ruby, Opal and WebAssembly
2019 Yutaka HARA Ovto: Frontend web framework for Rubyists
2007 Dave Thomas Island Ruby, orHow To Survive Invasions, Immigrants, and Cultural Attacks
2008 Evan Phoenix The Magic of Rubinius
2015 Evan Phoenix Keynote
2008 NARUSE, Yui Ruby M17N
2016 NARUSE, Yui Dive into CRuby
2008 Martin J. Dürst Ruby M17N
2008 Martin J. Dürst SVuGy: Fun with SVG and Ruby
2016 Martin J. Dürst Ups and Downs of Ruby Internationalization
2017 Martin J. Dürst Regular Expressions Inside Out
2018 Martin J. Dürst Grow and Shrink - Dynamically Extending the Ruby VM Stack
2021-takeout Martin J. Dürst Regular Expressions: Amazing and Dangerous
2023 Martin J. Dürst On Ruby and ꝩduЯ, or How Scary are Trojan Source Attacks
2024 Martin J. Dürst Squeezing Unicode Names into Ruby Regular Expressions
2008 Hidehiko MASUHARA Teaching *with* Ruby (Not "Teaching Ruby")
2008 Yuumi YOSHIDA Best Practices for Ruby Education
2008 Shinnya MATSUDA Explanation for the examination of Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer
2008 Laurent Sansonetti The future of Ruby in Mac OS X
2013 Laurent Sansonetti Inside RubyMotion
2014 Laurent Sansonetti Inside RubyMotion for Android
2015 Laurent Sansonetti The future of Ruby is in motion!
2008 Yohei YAMAMOTO Ruby on Rails 2.0 from the Perspective of a RESTian
2008 Koichiro Ohba Real-World Enterprise Ruby
2011 Koichiro Ohba Java in Ruby: Scripting Java in JRuby
2008 Zev Blut Developing and scaling iKnow!
2014 Zev Blut 7 years of Ruby & Rails with the same web site
2008 Takayuki KYOWA Inside Tabelog's Backend
2008 Yohji SHIDARA Lay Rails on "Galapagos" - Jpmobile: A Rails Plugin for Japanese Mobile Phones
2008 Alex Kane Using Ruby to Build a Scalable Startup
2008 Aaron Patterson Blurring the Language Barrier
2009 Aaron Patterson Journey through a pointy forest: XML parsing in Ruby.
2010 Aaron Patterson Coding for fun, and having fun coding
2011 Aaron Patterson Ruby Ruined My Life.
2013 Aaron Patterson Unfactoring
2014 Aaron Patterson Speeding up Rails 4.2
2015 Aaron Patterson Request and Response
2017 Aaron Patterson Compacting GC in MRI
2018 Aaron Patterson Analyzing and Reducing Ruby Memory Usage
2019 Aaron Patterson Compacting GC for MRI v2
2020-takeout Aaron Patterson Don't @ me! Instance Variable Performance in Ruby
2024 Aaron Patterson Speeding up Instance Variables with Red-Black Trees
2008 Tetsuo NODA Two Years in Ruby City Matz'E
2008 Shunichi ARAI Introducing database library Sequel and DataMapper
2008 Tatsuhiro Ujihisa Agile Web Posting with Ruby
2009 Tatsuhiro Ujihisa Working Effectively with Ruby for Average Programmers
2019 Tatsuhiro Ujihisa Play with local vars
2008 Kazuaki MAEDA Structured Data Representation Using Ruby Syntax
2008 Shuhei NOMURA LuRuju - Ruby meets JUDE
2008 Tomonori FUKUTA Developing Storage Service with Ruby
2008 Hajime HOSHI Game Developments by Ruby and "Star Ruby"
2008 Cyross MAKOTO Let's Create Interactive Gamebook by Ruby!
2008 cho45 Library Design of net-irc gem
2008 Soutaro Matsumoto Typing Ruby Programs
2017 Soutaro Matsumoto Type Checking Ruby Programs with Annotations
2018 Soutaro Matsumoto Ruby Programming with Type Checking
2019 Soutaro Matsumoto The challenges behind Ruby type checking
2020-takeout Soutaro Matsumoto The State of Ruby 3 Typing
2022 Soutaro Matsumoto Ruby programming with types in action
2023 Soutaro Matsumoto Parsing RBS
2024 Soutaro Matsumoto Embedding it into Ruby code
2008 Narihiro Nakamura Let's improve RubyGC
2009 Narihiro Nakamura My ECO Life by Ruby GC improve: No plastic bag thank you
2010 Narihiro Nakamura We can make the GC X times slower than the original
2011 Narihiro Nakamura Parallel world of CRuby's GC
2013 Narihiro Nakamura Ruby's GC 2.0
2014 Narihiro Nakamura Symbol GC
2009 Scott Chacon Using Git and GitHub to Develop One Million Times Faster
2009 Yasuko Ohba Pragmatic Patterns of Ruby on Rails
2010 Yasuko Ohba The basis of making DSL with Ruby
2022 Yasuko Ohba The Better RuboCop World to enjoy Ruby
2009 Akira Matsuda A Study In The Rails Ecosystem
2010 Akira Matsuda Conflicts and Resolutions in Ruby and Rails
2011 Akira Matsuda Ruby on Rails development that doesn't hurt
2013 Akira Matsuda Ruby on Your Rails
2009 Jason Goecke Using Adhearsion to Voice Enable your Ruby Applications
2009 Kenta Murata The standard random number generator of Ruby and the proposal to improve it
2010 Kenta Murata The future of the bigdecimal library and the number system of Ruby
2016 Kenta Murata SciRuby Machine Learning Current Status and Future
2017 Kenta Murata Development of Data Science Ecosystem for Ruby
2018 Kenta Murata Deep Learning Programming on Ruby
2018 Kenta Murata RubyData Workshop (1) Data Science in Ruby
2019 Kenta Murata RubyData Workshop
2019 Kenta Murata Reducing ActiveRecord memory consumption using Apache Arrow
2021-takeout Kenta Murata Charty: Statistical data visualization in Ruby
2022 Kenta Murata Method-based JIT compilation by transpiling to Julia
2009 Ryutaro KURAI BDD and ZDD Libarayry for Ruby
2009 Yehuda Katz From Rails to Rack: Making Rails 3 a Better Ruby Citizen
2010 Yehuda Katz Truth and Consequences: Handling Ruby 1.9 Encodings in Rails
2011 Yehuda Katz Advancing Net::HTTP
2015 Yehuda Katz Turbo Rails with Rust
2009 Kazunori Hashimoto Design and Implementation of Programing Language with Static Typing
2009 okkez Ruby Reference Manual Renewal Project 2009 Summer
2010 okkez Ruby Reference Manual Renewal Project 2010 Summer
2011 okkez Ruby-no-kai Itself and Some Related Projects.
2013 okkez Ruby2.0 reference manual for Japanese
2016 okkez Ruby Reference Manual 2016 Autumn
2009 Michael Fellinger The innate beauty of Ramaze
2009 Tadahiko Uehara The innate beauty of Ramaze
2009 Jeremy Evans Sequel: SQL in Ruby
2019 Jeremy Evans Optimization Techniques Used by the Benchmark Winners
2020-takeout Jeremy Evans Keyword Arguments: Past, Present, and Future
2021-takeout Jeremy Evans Optimizing Partial Backtraces in Ruby 3
2022 Jeremy Evans Fixing Assignment Evaluation Order
2023 Jeremy Evans The Second Oldest Bug
2024 Jeremy Evans Reducing Implicit Allocations During Method Calling
2009 Aaron Quint Sinatra: The Framework Within
2009 kumaryu Ruby in 1/60 seconds - Game Programming Ruby -
2009 Tomohisa Katsuma A prototype on integrated environment of static code analysis for Ruby
2009 Katsutoshi Kojima ビジネスユースでのRuby導入のポイントと解決策
2009 Tomoya Narita Ke-tai Site (Web Site for Japanese Cell Phone) Development with Ruby, Rails
2009 Kazuya Yoshimi 実戦投入Rails - RubyKaigiEdition
2009 Hirotomo Oi Railsサイト安定運用の心構え ~8つのサービスから学ぶ
2009 Akihiro Matsumura Let’s start open source development! -It will lead you to promising results-
2009 Yukio Goto Large-scale Web Services and Infrastructure Systems for Rakuten
2009 Ilya Grigorik Ruby C10K challenge: High Performance Networking
2009 Mohammad A. Ali NeverBlock and I/O Concurrency in Ruby
2009 Ehab El-Badry NeverBlock and I/O Concurrency in Ruby
2009 Yusuke Endoh concov: continuous test coverage viewer
2010 Yusuke Endoh Esoteric Obfuscated Ruby Programming
2017 Yusuke Endoh An introduction and future of Ruby coverage library
2018 Yusuke Endoh Type Profiler: An analysis to guess type signatures
2019 Yusuke Endoh A Type-level Ruby Interpreter for Testing and Understanding
2020-takeout Yusuke Endoh Type Profiler: a Progress Report of a Ruby 3 Type Analyzer
2021-takeout Yusuke Endoh TypeProf for IDE: Enrich Dev-Experience without Annotations
2022 Yusuke Endoh error_highlight: user-friendly error diagnostics
2023 Yusuke Endoh Revisiting TypeProf - IDE support as a primary feature
2024 Yusuke Endoh Good first issues of TypeProf
2009 Andriy Hnativ Checking Interactively-Developed Code
2009 Joshua Hull To the Edge of Web Performance and Beyond
2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA RubyGems traps
2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA Daily Ruby
2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA How to make secure program
2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA Archeology of Ruby: Removed Features (Ruby 考古学 消された機能編)
2019 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA RubyData Workshop
2022 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA History of Japanese Ruby reference manual, and future
2009 Shintaro Kakutani Project Report:Regional RubyKaigi
2009 Shintaro Kakutani Take the Red Pill
2010 Shintaro Kakutani There Is No Spoon -- Think Global, Act Regional
2011 Shintaro Kakutani The Gate
2011 Shintaro Kakutani All About RubyKaigi Ecosystem
2013 Shintaro Kakutani TWO CARTOON FOXES: the _why documentary (Japanese Subtitled)
2009 Koz Masumitsu RubyConf.China2009 and Ruby/Rails community activities in China
2009 Daniel Bovensiepen Hello World From The Other Side Of Earth
2013 Daniel Bovensiepen Shrink to Grow
2009 James Edward Gray II How Lazy Americans Monitor Servers
2009 Vincent Isambart Ruby, on your Mac of course
2009 Kouji Takao RubyCocoa/HotCocoa(RHC) - Let's develop an application of MacOS X with Ruby -
2011 Kouji Takao MacRuby on Rails
2014 Kouji Takao Kids, Ruby, Fun!: Introduction of the Smalruby and the Ruby Programming Shounendan
2017 Kouji Takao Smalruby : The neat thing to connect Rubyists and Scratchers
2009 Takuma Mori iPhone Application Development with Ruby
2009 Hiroshi SHIBATA Our tDiary's policy and strategies to support Ruby 1.9 and our future plan.
2010 Hiroshi SHIBATA How to survive in a post-Rails world
2011 Hiroshi SHIBATA The Art of "Legacy" Ruby Code Maintainance
2013 Hiroshi SHIBATA Ruby 'root'
2014 Hiroshi SHIBATA The Twelve-factor Ruby 「Ruby を良くするための12のポイント」
2015 Hiroshi SHIBATA Pragmatic Testing of Ruby Core
2016 Hiroshi SHIBATA How DSL works on Ruby
2017 Hiroshi SHIBATA Gemification for Ruby 2.5/3.0
2018 Hiroshi SHIBATA RubyGems 3 & 4
2019 Hiroshi SHIBATA The future of the Bundled Bundler with RubyGems
2020-takeout Hiroshi SHIBATA Dependency Resolution with Standard Libraries
2021-takeout Hiroshi SHIBATA How to develop the Standard Libraries of Ruby?
2022 Hiroshi SHIBATA Why is building the Ruby environment hard?
2023 Hiroshi SHIBATA How resolve Gem dependencies in your code?
2024 Hiroshi SHIBATA Long journey of Ruby standard library
2009 Keita Urashima Haml and Sass: Solution for you who get tired of ugly markup
2010 Shin-ichiro OGAWA jpmobile on Rails 3
2011 Shin-ichiro OGAWA The best practice of building mobile website with jpmobile
2010 Sarah Mei Feels Like Ruby
2010 Masaki Yamada Open social application development for cell-phones to begin in Ruby on Rails
2010 geemus User Experience for Library Designers
2010 Makoto Inoue Building Real Time Web
2011 Makoto Inoue The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and what you can do as a Rubyist ?
2010 Carl Lerche Rubygems, Bundler, and the future
2010 Sarah Allen A frog in a well does not know the great sea
2010 jugyo My many failed products
2010 Munjal Budhabhatti Rocking the enterprise with Ruby
2010 Sudhindra Rao Rocking the enterprise with Ruby
2010 Jiang Wu Rails to Sinatra: What is ready
2010 Ted Han Mapping the world with DataMapper
2010 Jake Scruggs The Necessity and Implementation of Speedy Tests
2010 paulelliott Seamless Integration Testing
2010 Paolo Perrotta A Metaprogramming Spell Book
2015 Paolo Perrotta Refinements - the Worst Feature You Ever Loved
2019 Paolo Perrotta A Deep Learning Adventure
2010 Kei Hamanaka Cloud management with Ruby
2010 Toshiyuki Terashita Distributed storage system with ruby
2010 Masahiro Tanaka NArray and scientific computing with Ruby
2010 Hideki Miura How Did Yarv2llvm Fail
2020-takeout Hideki Miura Ruby to C Translator by AI
2010 Alex Sharp Practical Ruby Projects with MongoDB
2010 Satoshi Shiba AOT Compiler for Ruby
2010 Tetsu Soh Memory Profiler for Ruby
2010 Shay Friedman IronRuby - What's in it for Rubyists?
2010 Tom Lieber Now you're thinking with virtual clocks
2010 Hiroshi Yoshioka The spread of enterprise Ruby at hot spot SHIMANE
2010 Chad Fowler Keynote
2011 CRuby development team Next version of Ruby 1.8 and 1.9
2011 Corey Donohoe Shipping at the Speed of Life
2011 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) Ruby, that community and me.
2014 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) Scalable deployments - How we deploy Rails app to 100+ hosts in a minute
2011 Takahiro Sunaga The Real-time Profiler for Ruby
2011 Andy Delcambre Toggleable Mocks and Testing Strategies in a Service Oriented Architecture
2011 Ayumu AIZAWA Issues of Enterprise Rubyist
2011 Kiyoshi Ikehara Dynamic Component System and Memory Reduction of VM for Embedded Systems
2011 Koutaro Okabe Lightweight Ruby
2011 Kosuke Tanabe How libraries in Japan use Ruby - "Next-L Enju" and "NDL Search"
2011 Mayumi EMORI Critical mission system implemented in Ruby
2015 Mayumi EMORI Discussion on Thread between version 1.8.6 and 2.2.3
2017 Mayumi EMORI Serial Protocol Analyzer on Ruby
2011 Elise Huard Actors on stage
2011 Eric Hodel Writing Friendly Libraries
2016 Eric Hodel Building maintainable command-line tools with mruby
2018 Eric Hodel Devly, a multi-service development environment
2011 Richard Huang Use rails_best_practices to refactor your rails codes
2014 Richard Huang Write ruby code to change ruby code
2023 Richard Huang Find and Replace Code based on AST
2011 Wen-Tien Chang BDD style Unit Testing
2011 Kyosuke MOROHASHI 5 years know-how of RSpec driven Rails app. development.
2013 Kyosuke MOROHASHI Concerning `Applications'
2014 Kyosuke MOROHASHI Practical meta-programming in Application
2011 Chris Kowalik Efficient JavaScript integration testing with Ruby and V8 engine.
2011 Shumpei Akai Method Shelters : Another Way to Resolve Class Extension Conflicts
2011 KOSAKI Motohiro CRuby lock design improvement and why it sucks
2015 KOSAKI Motohiro Keynote
2011 Sunao Tanabe Ruby-no-kai Itself and Some Related Projects.
2011 ANDO Yasushi Parse.y Famtour
2011 ucnv Visual Glitch, using Ruby
2011 Koji Shimada All About RubyKaigi Ecosystem
2011 Koji Shimada You must unlearn what you have learned: revisited
2011 Toshiaki Koshiba All About RubyKaigi Ecosystem
2013 Toshiaki Koshiba Ruby Kaja 2013 / Community Appeal
2011 Andrew Grimm Finding Black Holes in Ruby with the Small Eigen Collider
2011 Hal Seki The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and what you can do as a Rubyist ?
2011 Joshua Moore Writing custom DataMapper Adapters
2011 Fabio Akita Personal Dilemma: How to work with Ruby in Brazil?
2011 Hirotsugu Asari Know Ruby, will travel
2013 Christopher Rigor Identical Production, Staging and Development Environments Using Chef, AWS and Vagrant
2013 Shizuo Fujita Inside RubyMotion
2017 Shizuo Fujita How to optimize Ruby internal.
2019 Shizuo Fujita RMagick, migrate to ImageMagick 7
2013 Ruby Association & Ruby-no-Kai Two Legal Bodies about Ruby and its projects
2013 Kevin Triplett TWO CARTOON FOXES: the _why documentary (Japanese Subtitled)
2013 Ron Evans Ruby On Robots Using Artoo: A New Platform For Robotics, Physical Computing, and the Real World Web
2013 Adrian Zankich Ruby On Robots Using Artoo: A New Platform For Robotics, Physical Computing, and the Real World Web
2013 Danish Khan We Are Family
2013 Terence Lee `bundle install` Y U SO SLOW: Server Edition
2015 Terence Lee Building CLI Apps for Everyone
2017 Terence Lee Bending The Curve: Putting Rust in Ruby with Helix
2018 Terence Lee Controlling Droids™ with mruby & Go
2013 Prem Sichanugrist You have to test multiple versions of your gem's dependencies. You used Appraisal. It's super affective!
2014 Prem Sichanugrist The Ruby Challenge
2013 Sebastian Burkhard RubyJS
2013 Takeshi Yabe Ruby Kaja 2013 / Community Appeal
2013 Issei Naruta High Performance Rails
2013 Kensuke Nagae Continuous gem dependency updating with Jenkins and Pull Request
2014 Kensuke Nagae <%= link_to "bundle", "update" %> - Make "bundle update" more fun to review
2013 Martin Bosslet krypt. semper pi.
2013 Eddie Kao Code Reading - Learning More about Ruby by Reading Ruby Source Code
2013 André Arko Security is hard, but we can’t go shopping
2014 André Arko Extreme Makeover: Rubygems Edition
2013 Xuejie "Rafael" Xiao Webruby: Now you can write your favorite Ruby code for the browser!
2013 José Valim Concurrency in Ruby: In search of inspiration
2013 Bryan Helmkamp Refactoring Fat Models with Patterns
2013 Usaku NAKAMURA Ruby on Windows -- the past, the present, and the future
2013 Daisuke Inoue How NougakuDo connect Windows Azure and Rails Application
2013 nagachika CRuby Committers Who's Who in 2013
2014 nagachika CRuby Committers Who's Who in 2014
2019 nagachika All bugfixes are incompatibilities
2013 Richard Schneeman Millions of Apps Deployed: What We've Learned
2014 Richard Schneeman Going the Distance
2021-takeout Richard Schneeman Beware the Dead End!!
2013 Matthew Conway Heroku Add-ons For Fun and Profit
2013 Lightning Talks Lightning Talks
2013 Jim Gay If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub: Objects, DCI, and Programming
2013 David Padilla From Rails to the web server to the browser
2013 Ryan Smith Fewer Constraints, More Concurrency.
2013 Max Gorin Rapid development of enterprise web apps with Netzke
2013 Toru Kawamura Rails Gems realize RESTful modeling patterns
2014 Toru Kawamura Hypermedia: the Missing Element to Building Adaptable Web APIs in Rails
2016 Toru Kawamura Web Clients for Ruby and What they should be in the future
2013 Matthew Mongeau The Origamist's Ruby: Folding better code
2013 Konstantin Haase Beyond Ruby
2013 Jacob Burkhart How to fail at Background Jobs
2013 Hiroki Yoshioka The Metric Talks or Not
2013 Kota Uenishi Casual Log Collection and Querying with fluent-plugin-riak
2013 Satoshi Tagomori Complex Event Processing on Ruby and Fluentd
2015 Satoshi Tagomori Data Analytics Service Company and Its Ruby Usage
2016 Satoshi Tagomori Modern Black Mages Fighting in the Real World
2017 Satoshi Tagomori Ruby for Distributed Storage System
2018 Satoshi Tagomori Hijacking Ruby Syntax in Ruby
2021-takeout Satoshi Tagomori Ractor's speed is not light-speed
2024 Satoshi Tagomori Namespace, What and Why
2013 mame & the judges TRICK (Transcendental Ruby Imbroglio Contest for rubyKaigi)
2015 mame & the judges TRICK 2015: The second Transcendental Ruby Imbroglio Contest for RubyKaigi
2018 mame & the judges TRICK 2018 (FINAL)
2022 mame & the judges TRICK 2022 (Returns)
2013 zzak Contributing to Ruby
2014 zzak tending the ruby ecosystem
2015 zzak Building CLI Apps for Everyone
2013 John Foley Paired ruby
2014 Jonathan Mukai-Heidt Controller Testing: You’re Doing It Wrong
2014 Rei Odaira Eliminating Giant VM Lock in Ruby through Hardware Transactional Memory
2014 Robert Sanheim Continuous Delivery at GitHub
2014 Szu-Kai Hsu (brucehsu) Cores unleashed Part II: Introduction to GobiesVM (and Software Transactional Memory)
2014 Keiko Oda What's wrong with your app?
2014 Satoshi Egi Non-Linear Pattern Matching against Unfree Data Types in Ruby (Egison Pattern Matching in Ruby)
2014 Yasuo Honda Introduce Oracle enhanced adapter for ActiveRecord, another choice for your Rails database.
2014 Takumi Miura "Gem of this Week" - building culture and making gem
2014 Masahiro Ide A Just in Time compiler for CRuby (CRuby言語処理系向けJITコンパイラ)
2014 Prathamesh Sonpatki Deep down fixtures
2014 Thiago Scalone MRuby as Development Platform for Payments
2018 Thiago Scalone 20k MRuby devices in production
2014 Daniel Rodriguez MRuby as Development Platform for Payments
2014 Emma Haruka Iwao RailsGirls: Not Only For Girls
2018 Emma Haruka Iwao Exploring Internal Ruby Through C Extensions
2024 Emma Haruka Iwao Ruby and the World Record Pi Calculation
2014 Takehiko YOSHIDA Open the door of embedded systems to IoT! mruby on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 ®
2014 Amy Wibowo Sweaters as a Service
2014 MATSUMOTO, Ryosuke Resource Control Architecture scripting with mruby for a Web Server Separating Computer Resources Virtually at Each HTTP Request
2018 MATSUMOTO, Ryosuke Design pattern for embedding mruby into middleware
2014 Masahiro Nakagawa ServerEngine: a framework for multiprocess servers in Ruby
2014 Kevin Griffin 7 years of Ruby & Rails with the same web site
2014 Nobuyuki Honda Kids, Ruby, Fun!: Introduction of the Smalruby and the Ruby Programming Shounendan
2017 Nobuyuki Honda Smalruby : The neat thing to connect Rubyists and Scratchers
2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto Power Assert in Ruby
2019 Kazuki Tsujimoto Pattern matching - New feature in Ruby 2.7
2014 Andrew Culver ROM Hacking with Ruby
2014 Jian Weihang Streaming Processing in Camera Remote API
2014 Jonan Scheffler Everything is Broken: A Story of Hope
2014 Naotoshi Seo Fluentd Hacking Guide (Fluentd ソースコード完全解説)
2018 Naotoshi Seo Fast Numerical Computing and Deep Learning in Ruby with Cumo
2019 Naotoshi Seo Red Chainer and Cumo: Practical Deep Learning in Ruby
2014 Kay Sawada 8bit Game Development With Ruby
2024 Kay Sawada Turning CDN edge into a Rack web server with ruby.wasm
2014 Matthew Werner The role of ruby in the single page app.
2014 Josh Kalderimis Scaling is hard, let's go server shopping! Or, How we scaled Travis CI, and helped Open Source at the same time.
2015 Josh Kalderimis Beyond Saas: Building for Enterprise
2014 Yuki Torii Walking around ruby forest more deeply
2017 Yuki Torii Pattern Matching in Ruby
2023 Yuki Torii Reading and improving Pattern Matching in Ruby
2014 Aman Gupta Ruby 2.1 in Production
2015 Matthew Gaudet Experiments in sharing Java VM technology with CRuby
2016 Matthew Gaudet Ruby3x3: How are we going to measure 3x?
2015 Yuki Nishijima Saving people from typos
2017 Yuki Nishijima Static Typo Checker in Ruby
2015 Shota Nakano mruby on the minimal embedded resource
2015 Hsing-Hui Hsu Time flies like an arrow; Fruit flies like a banana: Parsers for Great Good
2015 Kevin Menard Fast Metaprogramming with Truffle
2016 Kevin Menard A Tale of Two String Representations
2017 Kevin Menard Improving TruffleRuby’s Startup Time with the SubstrateVM
2019 Kevin Menard Beyond `puts`: TruffleRuby’s Modern Debugger Using Chrome
2023 Kevin Menard Rethinking Strings
2015 Emily Stolfo DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Testing
2019 Emily Stolfo Benchmarking your code, inside and out
2015 Kohei Suzuki High Performance Template Engine: Guide to optimize your Ruby code
2015 Takashi Kokubun High Performance Template Engine: Guide to optimize your Ruby code
2016 Takashi Kokubun Scalable job queue system built with Docker
2018 Takashi Kokubun The Method JIT Compiler for Ruby 2.6
2019 Takashi Kokubun Performance Improvement of Ruby 2.7 JIT in Real World
2021-takeout Takashi Kokubun Why Ruby's JIT was slow
2022 Takashi Kokubun Towards Ruby 4 JIT
2023 Takashi Kokubun Ruby JIT Hacking Guide
2024 Takashi Kokubun YJIT Makes Rails 1.7x Faster
2015 Will Leinweber Introducing the Crystal Programming Language
2015 Julian Cheal Charming Robots
2016 Julian Cheal It's More Fun to Compute
2017 Julian Cheal Do Androids Dream of Electronic Dance Music?
2015 Godfrey Chan Turbo Rails with Rust
2017 Godfrey Chan Bending The Curve: Putting Rust in Ruby with Helix
2015 Naohisa Goto Running Ruby on Solaris
2015 Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim The worst Ruby codes I've seen in my life
2015 Masaki Matsushita Ruby meets Go
2015 Franck Verrot Ruby and PostgreSQL, a love story
2016 Franck Verrot Hijacking syscalls with (m)ruby
2015 Masahiro Nagano Rhebok, High Performance Rack Handler
2015 Yurie Yamane making robot with mruby
2016 Yurie Yamane High Tech Seat in mruby
2017 Yurie Yamane Write once, run on every boards: portable mruby
2018 Yurie Yamane mruby can be more lightweight
2015 LT speakers (JA -> EN interpreters won't be available) Lightning Talks
2015 Ruby committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2015 Robert Young It's dangerous to GC alone. Take this!
2015 Craig Lehmann It's dangerous to GC alone. Take this!
2015 Yoh Osaki Writing web application in Ruby
2016 Yoh Osaki Isomorphic web programming in Ruby
2017 Yoh Osaki dRuby on Browser
2018 Yoh Osaki How to get the dark power from ISeq
2019 Yoh Osaki Ruby for NLP
2020-takeout Yoh Osaki Asynchronous Opal
2015 Sadayuki Furuhashi Plugin-based software design with Ruby and RubyGems
2019 Sadayuki Furuhashi Performance Optimization Techniques of MessagePack-Ruby
2015 Christophe Philemotte Prepare yourself against Zombie epidemic
2016 Lin Yu Hsiang ErRuby: Ruby on Erlang/OTP
2020-takeout Lin Yu Hsiang mruby-rr: Time Traveling Debugger For mruby Using rr
2016 Petr Chalupa Who reordered my code?!
2019 Petr Chalupa TruffleRuby: Wrapping up compatibility for C extensions
2016 Uchio KONDO Welcome to haconiwa - the (m)Ruby on Container
2018 Uchio KONDO How Ruby Survives in the Cloud Native World
2019 Uchio KONDO The fastest way to bootstrap Ruby on Rails
2021-takeout Uchio KONDO Story of Rucy - How to "compile" a BPF binary from Ruby
2022 Uchio KONDO Ruby x BPF in Action: How important observability is
2024 Uchio KONDO An mruby for WebAssembly
2016 蒼時弦也 Play with GLSL on OpenFrameworks
2020-takeout 蒼時弦也 Is it time run Ruby on Web via WebAssembly?
2021-takeout 蒼時弦也 It is time to build your mruby VM on the microcontroller?
2016 Ritta Narita How to create multiprocess server on Windows with Ruby
2017 Ritta Narita mruby gateway for huge amount of realtime data processing
2016 Justin Searls Fearlessly Refactoring Legacy Ruby
2019 Justin Searls The Selfish Programmer
2016 Colby Swandale Writing A Gameboy Emulator in Ruby
2017 Colby Swandale Bundler 2
2019 Colby Swandale Working towards Bundler 3
2022 Colby Swandale Adding Type Signatures into Ruby Docs
2016 Aja Hammerly Exploring Big Data with Download Data
2016 Mitsutaka Mimura Learn Programming Essence from Ruby patches
2016 Eric Weinstein A Nil Device, a Lonely Operator, & a Voyage to the Void Star
2017 Eric Weinstein Do Androids Dream of Electronic Dance Music?
2016 Kirk Haines Web Server Concurrency Architecture
2018 Kirk Haines It's Rubies All The Way Down
2016 Masahiro TANAKA Pwrake: Distributed Workflow Engine based on Rake
2017 Masahiro TANAKA Progress of Ruby/Numo: Numerical Computing for Ruby
2016 Sameer Deshmukh Data Analysis in RUby with daru
2017 Sameer Deshmukh C how to supercharge Ruby with Rubex
2018 Sameer Deshmukh Ferrari Driven Development: superfast Ruby with Rubex
2016 Chris Arcand Deletion Driven Development: Code to delete code!
2016 Kazuho Oku Recent Advances in HTTP and Controlling them using ruby
2018 Kazuho Oku How happy they became with H2O/mruby, and the future of HTTP
2016 Anil Wadghule Ruby Concurrency compared
2016 Amir Rajan Game Development + Ruby = Happiness
2019 Amir Rajan Building a game for the Nintendo Switch using Ruby
2017 nobu Keynote
2019 nobu Timezone API
2017 Takafumi ONAKA API Development in 2017
2017 Mat Schaffer Mapping your world with Ruby
2021-takeout Mat Schaffer 10 years of Ruby-powered citizen science
2017 Noah Gibbs How Close is Ruby 3x3 For Production Web Apps?
2018 Noah Gibbs Faster Apps, No Memory Thrash: Get Your Memory Config Right
2019 Noah Gibbs Six Years of Ruby Performance: A History
2017 Kevin Newton Compiling Ruby
2019 Kevin Newton Pre-evaluation in Ruby
2020-takeout Kevin Newton Prettier Ruby
2021-takeout Kevin Newton Parsing Ruby
2022 Kevin Newton Syntax Tree
2023 Kevin Newton Yet Another Ruby Parser
2017 Anton Davydov Hanami - New Ruby Web Framework
2018 Anton Davydov Architecture of hanami applications
2017 Stan Lo I quit my job to write my own language: Goby
2018 Stan Lo What would your own version of Ruby look like?
2022 Stan Lo ruby/debug - The best investment for your productivity
2023 Stan Lo Build a mini Ruby debugger in under 300 lines
2017 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2018 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2019 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2020-takeout CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2020-takeout CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2021-takeout CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs the World
2022 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers vs The World
2023 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers and The World
2024 CRuby Committers Ruby Committers and the World
2017 Chris Salzberg The Ruby Module Builder Pattern
2022 Chris Salzberg Caching With MessagePack
2023 Chris Salzberg Multiverse Ruby
2017 Takuya Nishimoto What visually impaired programmers are thinking about Ruby?
2017 Victor Shepelev The Curious Case of Wikipedia Parsing
2017 Valentin Fondaratov Automated Type Contracts Generation for Ruby
2017 Joe Kutner Asynchronous and Non-Blocking IO with JRuby
2017 Fumiaki MATSUSHIMA Ruby Language Server
2017 Mai Nguyen Food, Wine and Machine Learning: Teaching a Bot to Taste
2017 Yasushi Itoh Introducing the Jet Programming Language
2017 Henry Tseng Tamashii - Create Rails IoT applications more easily
2017 Delton Ding High Concurrent Ruby Web Development Without Fear
2017 ITOYANAGI Sakura Ruby Parser In IRB 20th Anniversary...Now Let Time Resume
2018 ITOYANAGI Sakura IRB Reboot: Modernize Implementation and Features
2019 ITOYANAGI Sakura Terminal Editors For Ruby Core Toolchain
2020-takeout ITOYANAGI Sakura The Complex Nightmare of the Asian Cultural Area
2021-takeout ITOYANAGI Sakura Graphical Terminal User Interface of Ruby 3.1
2017 Nate Berkopec Memory Fragmentation and Bloat in Ruby
2019 Nate Berkopec Determining Ruby Process Counts: Theory and Practice
2017 Masataka Kuwabara Writing Lint for Ruby
2018 Masataka Kuwabara A parser based syntax highlighter
2021-takeout Masataka Kuwabara The newsletter of RBS updates
2023 Masataka Kuwabara Let's write RBS!
2024 Masataka Kuwabara Community-driven RBS repository
2017 Julian Nadeau Busting Performance Bottlenecks: Improving Boot Time by 60%
2018 Julian Nadeau Scaling Teams using Tests for Productivity and Education
2017 Vladimir Makarov Towards Ruby 3x3 performance
2018 Vladimir Makarov Three Ruby performance projects
2019 Vladimir Makarov A light weight JIT compiler project for CRuby
2022 Vladimir Makarov A Faster CRuby interpreter with dynamically specialized IR
2018 Maciej Mensfeld Karafka - Ruby Framework for Event Driven Architecture
2019 Maciej Mensfeld How to take over a Ruby gem
2023 Maciej Mensfeld RubyGems on the watch
2018 Yuta Kurotaki bancor: Token economy made with Ruby
2022 Yuta Kurotaki Ethereum for Ruby
2018 Yusaku Hatanaka Deep Learning Programming on Ruby
2019 Yusaku Hatanaka Red Chainer and Cumo: Practical Deep Learning in Ruby
2018 Dmitry Petrashko A practical type system for Ruby at Stripe.
2018 Paul Tarjan A practical type system for Ruby at Stripe.
2019 Paul Tarjan State of Sorbet: A Type Checker for Ruby
2018 Nelson Elhage A practical type system for Ruby at Stripe.
2018 joker1007 Hijacking Ruby Syntax in Ruby
2019 joker1007 Pragmatic Monadic Programing in Ruby
2018 Bozhidar Batsov All About RuboCop
2018 Piotr Murach TTY - Ruby alchemist’s secret potion
2018 Thibaut Barrère Kiba 2 - Past, present & future of data processing with Ruby
2018 Chase McCarthy Controlling Droids™ with mruby & Go
2018 Edouard Chin Journey of a complex gem upgrade
2018 Koichi ITO Improve Ruby coding style rules and Lint
2020-takeout Koichi ITO Road to RuboCop 1.0
2021-takeout Koichi ITO RuboCop in 2021: Stable and Beyond
2022 Koichi ITO Make RuboCop super fast
2023 Koichi ITO The Resurrection of the Fast Parallel Test Runner
2024 Koichi ITO RuboCop: LSP and Prism
2018 Hitoshi HASUMI Firmware programming with mruby/c
2019 Hitoshi HASUMI Practical mruby/c firmware development with CRuby
2020-takeout Hitoshi HASUMI mruby machine: An Operating System for Microcontoller
2021-takeout Hitoshi HASUMI PRK Firmware: Keyboard is Essentially Ruby
2023 Hitoshi HASUMI Build Your Own SQLite3
2024 Hitoshi HASUMI Unlock The Universal Parsers: A New PicoRuby Compiler
2018 Yuichiro Kaneko RNode with code positions
2023 Yuichiro Kaneko The future vision of Ruby Parser
2024 Yuichiro Kaneko The grand strategy of Ruby Parser
2018 Genadi Samokovarov Implementing Web Console
2019 Genadi Samokovarov Writing Debuggers in Plain Ruby! Fact or fiction?
2023 Genadi Samokovarov RuboCop's baddest cop
2018 Vladimir Dementyev One cable to rule them all
2020-takeout Vladimir Dementyev The whys and hows of transpiling Ruby
2024 Vladimir Dementyev Ruby Mixology 101: adding shots of PHP, Elixir, and more
2018 Benoit Daloze Parallel and Thread-Safe Ruby at High-Speed with TruffleRuby
2020-takeout Benoit Daloze Running Rack and Rails Faster with TruffleRuby
2021-takeout Benoit Daloze Just-in-Time Compiling Ruby Regexps on TruffleRuby
2023 Benoit Daloze Splitting: the Crucial Optimization for Ruby Blocks
2024 Benoit Daloze From Interpreting C Extensions to Compiling Them
2018 Keita Sugiyama Grow and Shrink - Dynamically Extending the Ruby VM Stack
2018 Kenichi Kanai Ruby code from the stratosphere - SIAF, Sonic Pi, Petal
2018 Ezekiel Templin Devly, a multi-service development environment
2018 Marc-André Lafortune Deep into Ruby Code Coverage
2018 Takeshi Watanabe LuaJIT as a Ruby backend.
2018 Prasun Anand High Performance GPU computing with Ruby
2018 i110 How happy they became with H2O/mruby, and the future of HTTP
2019 Matz & the Ruby Core Team Ruby 3 Progress Report
2019 ota42y How to use OpenAPI3 for API developer
2019 Giovanni Sakti Pathfinder - Building a Container Platform in Ruby Ecosystem
2019 Alexander Ivanov Compiling Ruby to idiomatic code in static languages
2019 Zahary Karadjov Compiling Ruby to idiomatic code in static languages
2019 Samuel Williams Fibers Are the Right Solution
2020-takeout Samuel Williams Don't Wait For Me! Scalable Concurrency for Ruby 3!
2022 Samuel Williams Real World Applications with the Ruby Fiber Scheduler
2023 Samuel Williams Unleashing the Power of Asynchronous HTTP with Ruby
2024 Samuel Williams Leveraging Falcon and Rails for Real-Time Interactivity
2019 Matthew Draper A Bundle of Joy: Rewriting for Performance
2019 Alex Wood Building Serverless Applications in Ruby with AWS Lambda
2019 Shawnee Gao GraphQL Migration: A Proper Use Case for Metaprogramming?
2019 Sam Phippen How RSpec works
2019 Kazuma Furuhashi Better CSV processing with Ruby 2.6
2019 Kazuma Furuhashi RubyData Workshop
2019 Hiromasa Ishii intimate Chat with Matz and mruby developers about mruby
2019 Xavier Noria Zeitwerk: A new code loader
2019 Andrey Novikov Yabeda: Monitoring monogatari
2019 Jake Zimmerman State of Sorbet: A Type Checker for Ruby
2019 Michael Grosser Actionable Code Coverage
2019 Kozo Nishida RubyData Workshop
2019 Alex Rodionov Crystalball: predicting test failures
2019 Mike McQuaid Building Homebrew in Ruby: The Good, Bad and Ugly
2024 Mike McQuaid Using "modern" Ruby to build a better, faster Homebrew
2019 Yurie Yamane(team yamanekko) (partially) Non-volatile mruby
2019 Ariel Zelivansky Fuzzing native Ruby code with Kisaten
2019 Sangyong Sim Cleaning up a huge ruby application
2019 Colin Fulton Running Ruby On The Apple II
2019 Go Sueyoshi Best practices in web API client development
2023 Go Sueyoshi Fix SQL N+1 queries with RuboCop
2019 Tung Nguyen Ruby Serverless Framework
2020-takeout Ernesto Tagwerker RubyMem: The Leaky Gems Database for Bundler
2020-takeout Ufuk Kayserilioglu Reflecting on Ruby Reflection for Rendering RBIs
2021-takeout Ufuk Kayserilioglu Demystifying DSLs for better analysis and understanding
2020-takeout Yuji Yokoo Developing your Dreamcast apps and games with mruby
2022 Yuji Yokoo Megaruby - Running mruby/c programs on Sega Mega Drive
2024 Yuji Yokoo Cross-platform mruby on Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo Wii
2020-takeout ODA Hirohito msgraph: Microsoft Graph API Client with Ruby
2020-takeout Jônatas Davi Paganini Live coding: Grepping Ruby code like a boss
2020-takeout Katsuhiko Kageyama Now is the time to create your own (m)Ruby computer
2021-takeout Nick Schwaderer Ruby Archaeology
2022 Nick Schwaderer Ruby Archaeology: Forgotten web frameworks
2021-takeout Peter Zhu Variable Width Allocation: Optimizing Ruby's Memory Layout
2022 Peter Zhu Automatically Find Memory Leaks in Native Gems
2024 Peter Zhu Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
2021-takeout Matt Valentine-House Variable Width Allocation: Optimizing Ruby's Memory Layout
2022 Matt Valentine-House Heaping on the complexity! An adventure in GC Compaction
2023 Matt Valentine-House Plug & Play Garbage Collection with MMTk
2024 Matt Valentine-House Strings! Interpolation, Optimisation & Bugs
2021-takeout Misaki Shioi Toycol: Define your own application protocol
2022 Misaki Shioi Packet analysis with mruby on Wireshark - dRuby as example
2023 Misaki Shioi Implementing "++" operator, stepping into parse.y
2024 Misaki Shioi An adventure of Happy Eyeballs
2021-takeout Vinicius Stock Parallel testing with Ractors: putting CPUs to work
2023 Vinicius Stock Code indexing: How language servers understand our code
2024 Vinicius Stock The state of Ruby dev tooling
2021-takeout Tatsuya Sonokawa dRuby in the real-world embedded systems.
2021-takeout やもり Falling down from FreeBSD
2022 やもり with mruby
2021-takeout Chris Seaton The Future Shape of Ruby Objects
2021-takeout Josef Haider Just-in-Time Compiling Ruby Regexps on TruffleRuby
2021-takeout Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert YJIT - Building a new JIT Compiler inside CRuby
2022 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert Building a Lightweight IR and Backend for YJIT
2023 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert Optimizing YJIT’s Performance, from Inception to Production
2024 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert Breaking the Ruby Performance Barrier
2021-takeout Daniel Magliola Do regex dream of Turing Completeness?
2021-takeout osyo Use Macro all the time ~ マクロを使いまくろ ~
2022 osyo Let's collect type info during Ruby running and automaticall
2021-takeout Mauro Eldritch Crafting exploits, tools and havoc with Ruby
2021-takeout Mike Dalessio Building Native Extensions. This Could Take A While...
2021-takeout Mari Imaizumi Dive into Encoding
2022 Mari Imaizumi String Meets Encoding
2023 Mari Imaizumi UTF-8 is coming to mruby/c
2024 Mari Imaizumi Exploring Reline: Enhancing Command Line Usability
2021-takeout Yusuke Nakamura Ruby, Ractor, QUIC
2022 Yusuke Nakamura Do Pure Ruby Dream of Encrypted Binary Protocol?
2023 Yusuke Nakamura Ruby Implementation of QUIC: Progress and Challenges
2022 Yuta Saito Ruby meets WebAssembly
2024 Yuta Saito RubyGems on ruby.wasm
2022 Fu-ga Types teaches success, what will we do?
2022 Naoto Ono Tools for Providing rich user experience in debugger
2023 Naoto Ono Introduction of new features for VS Code debugging
2022 Jemma Issroff Implementing Object Shapes in CRuby
2023 Jemma Issroff Tips and Tricks for working in the MRI Codebase
2022 Fujimoto Seiji How fast really is Ruby 3.x?
2022 Ivo Anjo Hunting Production Memory Leaks with Heap Sampling
2023 Ivo Anjo Understanding the Ruby Global VM Lock by observing it
2024 Ivo Anjo Optimizing Ruby: Building an Always-On Production Profiler
2022 KJ Tsanaktsidis Hunting Production Memory Leaks with Heap Sampling
2024 KJ Tsanaktsidis Finding and fixing memory safety bugs in C with ASAN
2022 Yuki Kurihara RBS generation framework using Rack architecture
2022 Alan Wu Stories from developing YJIT
2023 Alan Wu Fitting Rust YJIT into CRuby
2023 Emily Samp Generating RBIs for dynamic mixins with Sorbet and Tapioca
2023 Hiroya FUJINAMI Make Regexp#match much faster
2024 Hiroya FUJINAMI Make Your Own Regex Engine!
2023 Yuma Sawai Develop chrome extension with ruby.wasm
2023 Frederico Linhares High-performance real-time 3D graphics with Vulkan
2023 tomoya ishida Power up your REPL life with types
2024 tomoya ishida Writing Weird Code
2023 Kohei Yamada DIY Your Touchpad Experience: Building Your Own Gestures
2023 Daisuke Aritomo (osyoyu) Hacking and profiling Ruby for performance
2024 Daisuke Aritomo (osyoyu) The depths of profiling Ruby
2023 Takashi Yoneuchi Eliminating ReDoS with Ruby 3.2
2023 Alexandre Terrasa Gradual typing for Ruby: comparing RBS and RBI/Sorbet
2023 Hirokazu SUZUKI The Adventure of RedAmber - A data frame library in Ruby
2023 Michael Milewski Ruby vs Kickboxer - the state of MRuby, JRuby and CRuby
2023 Selena Small Ruby vs Kickboxer - the state of MRuby, JRuby and CRuby
2023 Shigeru Nakajima Load gem from browser
2024 Shigeru Nakajima Using Ruby in the browser is wonderful.
2024 Masato Ohba Unlocking Potential of Property Based Testing with Ractor
2024 Samuel Giddins Remembering (ok, not really Sarah) Marshal
2024 Shunsuke Mori (kokuyou) Let's use LLMs from Ruby 〜 Refine RBS types using LLM 〜
2024 John Hawthorn Vernier: A next generation profiler for CRuby
2024 Matt Muller Generating a custom SDK for your web service or Rails API
2024 Brandon Weaver Refactoring with ASTs and Pattern Matching
2024 Adam Hess Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
2024 Yudai Takada Does Ruby Parser dream of highly expressive grammar?
2024 Masaki Hara Getting along with YAML comments with Psych
2024 ahogappa It's about time to pack Ruby and Ruby scripts in one binary
2024 monochrome Running Optcarrot (faster) on my own Ruby.
2024 Ryo Kajiwara Adding Security to Microcontroller Ruby
2024 memory How to implement a RubyVM with PHP?
2024 Junichi Kobayashi From LALR to IELR: A Lrama's Next Step
2024 Ryota Egusa Porting mruby/c for the SNES (Super Famicom)